Titanium Texicans

Titanium Texicans by Alan Black Page B

Book: Titanium Texicans by Alan Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alan Black
to dangle his questions in imitation of the doctor.
    “Yes. I’m sure you’ll see it yourself, eventually. Engineering has actually set the whole thing to music already. It must be slow in engineering after the launch. The only thing the senior staff and the captain know is that your uncle signed you on board for a voyage. Everything you’ve told me is between us. I’ll never tell anyone. The only way anyone will know these personal details is if you tell them. Anyway, I’ve one more thing before I have Otto run you up to see the captain.”
    Valenzuela reached into a pocket and pulled out a silver and glass tool. It looked like a small pistol. Without hesitation, she jabbed the muzzle against his neck and pulled the trigger. A muscle spasm twisted Tasso’s head around and he fell to the floor, writhing in pain.

    TASSO CRADLED his head in his arms. The pain radiated around his neck. His shoulders stiffened and cramped. He squeezed his eyes shut to stop the pain. Even the light hurt. Then, the pain hit his stomach. He would have vomited if there was anything to throw up. His calf muscles twitched, curling his feet and toes. The pain began to ease, but his stuffy nose was so plugged up he could barely breathe. His vision cleared enough so that he could see Valenzuela staring down at him with curiosity.
    “Why?” Tasso croaked.
    “Why what …? Oh, this?” She held up the gun-like tool. “I figured since you’ve never seen a hypo before, I’d jam it in and explain later. Besides, this would’ve hurt worse if you’d tensed up before I shot you with it.”
    Tasso wasn’t exactly crying, but he had water leaking from his eyes. He couldn’t stop the leaking, no matter how many times he wiped his eyes. He couldn’t clear his stuffiness no matter how many times he blew his nose. He was sitting up, still on the floor, but upright, when Otto stuck his head in the door.
    “Ready, Doc?” Otto asked. “Captain Rojo is getting cranky. She’s made her third call down here.”
    Valenzuela nodded. “If she calls again, you tell her that I’ll come up there and kick her ass all over again if she keeps bothering us. I’ll send him up there when he is ready, and not before.”
    Otto laughed, “You kicked the captain’s butt?”
    Valenzuela laughed with him, “Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. We were in third grade and I caught her holding hands with Quique Fuentes at recess. I thought he was supposed to be my boyfriend. Anyway, it must be getting late, I’m babbling.”
    Otto, still laughing, said, “The captain mentioned something about it being after midnight and past her bedtime.” He looked down at Tasso. “You ready, kid? All joking aside, when the captain calls, we hop to it.” He grabbed Tasso’s arm and lifted him bodily to his feet. “Come on, greenhorn. It doesn’t hurt that bad. A few nanites are a good thing.”
    Tasso stared at Otto and glared at the doctor. “You shot me full of nanites without my permission? What if I didn’t want machines running around inside me and chewing up stuff?”
    Valenzuela shook her head. “I didn’t shoot you full. That was a small starter group. Tasso, you’re sixteen and you already have clogged arteries. These nanites will begin to clear the plaque from your system. No. Don’t protest. Your grandparents would be alive today if they’d had these few simple nanites.”
    Tasso grabbed another tissue, wiped his eyes, and blew his nose.
    Valenzuela said, “Don’t worry about the leakage. That’s the nanites disposing of the toxins and excess plaque. Drink a lot of water … oh, crap. Nothing for another three hours, but when the time is up I want you to drink as much water and clear fluids as you can keep down. It’s a bit of a poorly designed side effect, but it’s necessary in the long run.”
    Tasso said, “Grandpa always said we didn’t need such foo-forah. He said it was too expensive for ….” His voice trailed off as he realized his

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