    She considered her dimes, then dropped one into the coin slot and called Nathan.
    He picked up on the first ring.
    "It's Tinker."
    "Tink! What happened after I left? Where have you been? Are you okay? Where are you?"
    "I—um . . ." She paused, not sure which question to answer first. The last two days' events seemed impossible to explain. "I'm fine. I'm downtown. Market Square. I'm kind of stuck. I need a ride out to the Observatory. I'm going to crash with Lain tonight."
    "I'll be right there."
    Which was what she had hoped he would say.
    * * *
    Nathan double-parked his Buick by the pay phone, twenty minutes later. "I've been worried sick about you," he called as he climbed out. "I'm sorry I had to leave you with that mess. The accident was unreal, and I was stuck there all night. By the time I got free, you had yanked your trailer and were gone."
    "It's okay." She waved it away. "I had Oilcan and Lain to help me. You're here now."
    "Lain! Of course." He surprised her by hugging her. What, was everyone suddenly touchy-feely? "How's your hand?"
    She showed it to him, flexing it. "It got infected."
    He dwarfed her left hand in his and eyed it with deep sorrow. "Oh, Tinker, I'm so sorry."
    "It's fine now. They fixed it at the hospice." She wiggled her fingers in a show of health. She pulled her hand free. "I heard about your accident. You okay?"
    "My accident?"
    "Veterans Bridge," she prompted, heading for his car and its air-conditioned interior.
    "Oh, yeah."
    Nathan needed more coolant in his Buick. The air-conditioner struggled against the sticky summer heat. Tinker redirected the passenger vents to blow on her and unbuttoned her shirt above and below her bra line in an attempt to cool down.
    "So, what happened?" she asked.
    "Mass chaos is what happened." Nathan shook his head. "Shutdown traffic is usually so bumper to bumper you don't get much more than fender benders. This crew in a Ryder truck misses their turn, and they miss it big time, getting like halfway across the Veterans Bridge before realizing that they either wanted the Fort Duquesne Bridge to the Fort Pitt tunnels, or simply to get off at the North Shore. Who knows? Either one they could have gotten to by cutting through downtown. Instead, they try to back up. Of course they can't, everything bumper to bumper for ten miles. They block traffic for like half an hour trying to bully the drivers for a couple hundred feet behind them into backing up—but those people don't have anywhere to go. Meanwhile, all the traffic in front of them clears out."
    "Let me guess. Once they stop blocking traffic, everyone races across the bridge trying to get in front of the jerks."
    "Oh, yeah," Nathan said. "Only the Ryder truck is still lost. He's in the left-hand lane, and realizes either he's going to end up back at the Rim and a border-patrol check, or through the Liberty Tunnel and into the South Hills."
    "And they're sitting on a truckful of illegal goods, so the Rim is out."
    Nathan glanced at her sharply. "How do you know they were smuggling?"
    "Maynard wanted me to look over their stuff; he told me a little about the accident. I was worried about you."
    "Really?" The info seemed to please him greatly. "I'm fine. I was the first unit called, but by the time I worked my way around to the accident, the EIA and most of the cops in Pittsburgh were there."
    "Good. So, go on. They tried to take the Sixth Avenue exit and cut through town."
    "Yeah, only they did it at the last minute and cut off a Peterbilt fully loaded with steel girders and just getting up to full speed."
    "Bad move."
    "The Peterbilt tries, but he can't stop, not with the load he's carrying. He catches the Ryder in the back driver corner and rams them into the support beams for the overpass. His load comes off and crushes a minivan beside him, killing the two people inside instantly."
    She recalled the flattened car. "Oh my."
    "There's a pileup, cars everywhere, and of course police are

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