Timeshock - I Want My Life Back

Timeshock - I Want My Life Back by Timothy Michael Lewis Page A

Book: Timeshock - I Want My Life Back by Timothy Michael Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Timothy Michael Lewis
Tags: TIme Travel Thriller
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had been wondering how Raymond knew the table would be empty.

    It was 8.29pm on Nigel's watch. He saw the second hand moving towards 8.30pm.   At the instant of hitting 8.30pm the whole table vibrated.   Nigel looked momentarily perturbed until he felt a mobile phone taped under the table.   He untaped it and answered it.   He heard Raymond’s voice: “Go to house number 15, across the park and wait in the room on the right on the ground floor.”

    Nigel ran across the park to the house numbered 15. The door was ajar and he hesitantly went inside, turning to open the only door on the right.   As he entered he felt a blow to his head as he was struck from behind.   Nigel lost consciousness.

    Waking up, Nigel found himself gagged and bound in what seemed like the boot of a car.   He had no idea where he was – Raymond had kidnapped him!   He should have phoned the police – what was he thinking!   Suddenly, it felt like the car was slowing down and the road was getting bumpy – it seemed to him like they had left London and were now in the countryside.

    Suddenly, the car boot opened. Nigel saw Raymond holding a spanner.   Raymond seemed disappointed that Nigel was conscious.   Again he hit Nigel on the head, knocking him out once more.

    When Nigel woke up he found himself tied to a wooden chair in the main room of a derelict country cottage.   The windows were broken with barely any glass left and the whole place felt damp and very cold.   There were two other chairs and something covered with a white sheet in the corner of the room.   Raymond was sitting opposite Nigel, and he looked surprisingly happy to see him awake.   “Dr Nigel Saunders – unless you do something for me, your wife and children will die!”   Nigel shuddered.

    “Who are you?   What do you want from me? Where are my wife and children?” said Nigel.

    Raymond spoke - “I am a dead man – and you are going to help me live again.”
    “What?”, Nigel was confused.
    “We used to be friends.   Now I am dead.”
    “What? I've never met you before in my life – and how can you be dead – you seem pretty alive to me!” Nigel's tone had changed from concerned to incredulous.

    Raymond responded “Do you believe in alternative realities?”

    “Well, some physicists consider them a possibility, but personally I would say that they may well exist though it's a strange thing to ask! Where are my wife and children?   What have you done with them!” Nigel retorted.
    “They are safe – for now.”   Raymond continued “what if I told you I am from an alternative reality?   And there we were friends?”

    “Well, if we were friends why didn't you just ask for my help?   Why threaten my family?”
    “I am not sure if you can do what I want – but you need an incentive.   Without you achieving what I want then my life is worthless.   And I hold you responsible for what happened – so you should take the consequences if you fail!”

    “So, assuming you aren't just a madman, and saying I believe you are from an alternative reality – why are you holding me responsible for what the alternative Nigel Saunders did?   Surely that is unfair!”
    “Unfair perhaps – but that is how I feel.   You allowed me to change the past and now I am dead!”

    “So you think you are a time traveller? Ah, OK – so you believe in fairies as well then I expect?”
    With that, Raymond pulled a sheet off a trolley sitting in the corner of the room.   Suddenly a broken contraption was visible on the trolley.   “You invented this in the other time-line – it's broken now – and unless you fix it your wife and kids will die!”

    “Friends don't threaten friends, Raymond,” Nigel said, trying a different approach.
    “Well you need to succeed,” said Raymond, his voice breaking up slightly as he spoke.
    “So what did you change?”
    “What do you mean?” replied Raymond.
    “What did you change in the past? It must have been

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