Timeless Mist

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Book: Timeless Mist by Terisa Wilcox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terisa Wilcox
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her careful ly .
    "I'm nay sure I
understand…" he began, but Kris cut him off.
    " Really ? What do n't you understand? I thought I was pretty clear." Kris
shrugged with a bravado she did not feel, "but if I need to explain more, fine, how's this? When I went to bed
the other night, it was the year 2008, when I woke up two morn ing 's
ago, it was the year
1604." She raised a s ing le
brow at him, "is that clear enough for you now?"
    "Are ye try ing to tell me," Iain
started then stopped and stared at her as if she'd lost her mind. He stood and
strode to the fireplace, stared into the fire a moment, looked back at her,
repeated his actions twice more before he returned to his chair. "Are ye
tell ing me that ye think ye are from
the future?"
    "Yes," Kris rolled her
eyes then nodded, " that 's
exact ly what I'm tell ing you. And I do n't just think it, I know
    Iain snorted. "Wheesht, ye
hit your head, dinnae ye lass? 'Tis why ye spout such a tale." He looked
at her like she'd lost
any wits she might have had , then grunted in
disbelief. "Ye should try a not her
one. This one isnae fit for e'en the worst minstrel."
     "It's not a tale. It's the
truth!" Most of it she amended silent ly ,
and added a silent prayer of forgiveness for giv ing Hailey's last name as her own. She did n't want to see his reaction if he ever discovered she was really a Campbell, no matter how many centuries removed she was from the present Campbell's, or past
Campbell's. Whichever the case was .
    Just think ing about that gave her a headache. She shivered at the thought and went on the defensive. "And
do n't look at me like I'm crazy, either,
because I'm not ."
    Iain rose from the chair again to
glare down at her. "Ye have either lost your wits or ye are a spy after all. Mayhap a spy for the
    "I'm not a spy and I haven't lost my mind either." Good Heaven's, she was in bigger trouble than she'd first realized if he believed her a spy. She froze
as fearful images of what they did to spies built in her mind. It would be way
better if he believed she'd lost her marbles. She should have known it, tell ing a lie always led to
bigger trouble.
    "Your Sassenach name leads
me to believe ye a spy, but I know ye hit your head. That can lead one to many fanciful imagin ing s."
    Kris shook her head, "I'm not a spy, and I'm not out of my mind either. I
know exact ly what I'm
talk ing about and
where I'm from. Scotland is supposed to be full of magic is n't it? You know, the fae,
Nessie and all that . Why
is it so hard to believe me? I do n't have any proof of what
I say at the moment, but it's the truth." Ninety-nine percent of it
anyway. She looked up at him, but he hadn't budged.
    He stood over her, arms crossed
in front of his chest, muscles bulg ing ,
obvious ly try ing to intimidate her. Her
mood veered sharp ly from fear to anger. She was tired and her head still ached from the golf-ball sized k not on the back of it. To
say she was irritated was putt ing it mild ly . She was not about to let this Scottish laird, who could
pass for a linebacker, continue to scare and terrorize her. She'd never let any
of her brothers bul ly her and she'd be damned if this guy would get away with it.
    "Well," she jumped up
from the bed and met his glare with one of her own. "for now you'll just have to take my word for
    "Huh," Iain scoffed,
"do ye think me dull witted enough to take the word of a woman, especial ly a Sassenach woman? I'm not complete ly foolish, nor am I stupid
enough to be believ ing anyth ing a Sassenach
might say." He returned the chair to the small table and turned to leave.
    Kris jumped in front of him,
block ing his path to
the door. "My last name might be English, but my mother is a MacGregor, so that makes me a MacGregor as
well." She poked her f ing er
none to gent ly in his
chest to emp has ize her
    Iain crossed his arms in front of
him, his eyes darkened dangerous ly ,
and he snorted in derision, "and what self-respect ing

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