Timeless Love

Timeless Love by Karyn Gerrard Page A

Book: Timeless Love by Karyn Gerrard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karyn Gerrard
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Time travel, Erotic
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    "Just smile, babe."
    Cathy stood with her hands clasped in front of
her. Her eyes swept upward and she gave Joey a stunning smile. His
heart tumbled in his chest and then he pushed the shutter. Walking
a few steps closer he took another picture. He could use up the
whole roll of film on her, right here, right now. As Cathy moved to
sit on the park bench, his thoughts drifted to McGonagall and the
McKeen situation.
    Time was running out. Joey still wasn't sure
how he was going to proceed. His top priority was to protect Cathy.
What would she think of him if he went through with this
cold-blooded murder? The thought twisted his guts. It was one thing
to give some loser a bloody nose, it was quite another to end his
life and over something as cold as money. He shook the morbid
thoughts out of his mind. Nothing was going to spoil this
    Cathy affected a sexy pose on the park bench.
Joey laughed and snapped another picture.
    She jumped up. "My turn, Joey! I want to take
some pictures of you, will you show me how?"
    He stood behind her and placed his arms around
her in a tight embrace and held the camera before her smiling face.
Her nearness affected him again as he was treated to her unique
scent and sexy warmth. His unruly cock stirred to life in his
jeans. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Look through the
view finder. Everything you see within that square is what will
show in the picture."
    He took her hand and placed her finger on the
shutter release. He seductively stroked her hand and moaned. Cathy
leaned against his chest.
    "Oh, Joey," she whispered.
    The flame of desire crackled between them. He
never felt this connection with another woman before. He loved her,
cherished her and absolutely adored her. He had it bad.
Reluctantly, he stepped back and stood by a sandstone grave marker.
He flexed his bicep teasingly and Cathy laughed.
    "Take my picture, babe!"
    Joey's adorable silliness charmed her to the
tips of her toes. Catherine pressed the shutter button as he
instructed. He walked to a nearby elm tree and leaned against it,
his arms and ankles crossed. Oh heavens, but this man was
astounding! He looked so relaxed and entirely at ease in his
own skin. And why wouldn't he? The slight breeze ruffled his hair,
his smile warm and breathtaking much like the man himself. She
tried so hard not to become attached to Joey emotionally; it would
make parting all the more arduous to bear.
    Catherine raised the camera and looked through
the finder. Next to the elm tree was a large crypt. What drew her
attention was the year of death etched in the stone, 1821. A stark
reminder she did not belong here. She lowered the
    "Cathy, you okay?"
    She was not okay. A sharp pain tore through
her heart. This was a sign, a reminder that she had to go home. How
could she leave Joey? He must have seen the misery on her face for
he pulled her into his warm embrace. She laid her head against his
chest; the wool from his sweater tickled her cheek. She would not
    "Babe, it's alright. I know you miss your
    He was understanding, kind and loving. Now,
she was close to tears. She snuggled in closer to his protective
    "Tell you what. I'm going to take you to Titus
Bakery on the way home. They have these fantastic molasses cookies
with jam in the middle. We'll get anything else you want; just as
long as I can see you smile again."
    A tear escaped her eye and trickled down her
cheek. Catherine looked up at him and gave him a dazzling smile
that spoke of everything she was feeling. Oh Lord. So
much for not becoming attached to Joey.
    Sitting in King's Square two days later, Joey
and Cathy looked at the photographs he had picked up from the
camera shop. Her beauty shone through the celluloid. Most of the
pictures were of Cathy. Two were of him and a few were of the
uptown area and the Burial Ground.
    Cathy grabbed his arm excitedly. "Time is
frozen, a moment captured, to be relived whenever we wish.

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