Time Warp

Time Warp by Steven Brockwell Page A

Book: Time Warp by Steven Brockwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steven Brockwell
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slumped to the ground. Jason scanned the hallway it was all clear. Their small ordeal was over; it seems Sonard’s men must have been following them all the time, but how.

chapter eight
    back at the motel
    N ick and Jason had returned to their motel room, before leaving franks place Jason took a closer look underneath his jeep just in case Sonard’s men had come up with the same idea and had placed some kind of booby trap, luckily for Jason they had not.
    Nick barged through the door, and went straight for the scotch. It was their second encounter with Sonard’s men and he hoped it would be the last. Nick downed more scotch, filled a glass, and slides it down the table to Carl. He began to explain to him and Jan about what frank had discovered also how Sonard’s men managed to track them down. Jason was on the other hand quite pleased with himself; he had so far taken out five of sonar’s men in one day single handedly.
    However, Carl was still confused as to what nick had told him that Sonard intended to infect the planet, he waited until everyone had settled down and sat at the table, nick poured himself another glass of scotch, his hands trembling. Carl could not believe what frank had uncovered, and asked nick to calm down and explain everything frank had told him from the beginning.
    Nick took a swig of his scotch, and started to tell Carl what his friend frank had discovered on the disk again. He told Carl about the viruses being stored on the disk , and how one of them was new, not known to man.
    “You mean to say Sonard has created a new virus? “ Asked Carl
    “Not only has he created a virus, it seems him and his people for some reason have been infecting the planet for as long as anyone can remember,” said nick
    “But why, it doesn’t make sense.”
    “Of course it does, if he failed to educate man to become a humble species, what other way could he stop us from entering a nuclear holocausts,” said nick.
    “That’s absurd, we have overcome viruses since the beginning of time, and it’s a known fact that at least 10 % of the world’s population will be immune to a variety of viruses, so what makes this one different “asked Carl.
    “Yea that’s just the point whose 10% would survive this, ours or Sonard’s,” replied Nick
    They continued to debate the issue; it took them most of the day and most of the scotch, until Jan came up with some kind of a solution as to what Sonard could be planning.
    It all started to make sense to her, since she was virtually the only one that had not had too much to drink, and everything that Maya had told her that the truth is all around us for some reason might even be true . Someone may be even one of Sonard’s men, that he had cast out into the past, might have managed to write some text or inspire someone such as Nostradamus himself to write prediction for the future. Our future, over four hundred years ahead of his time, a warning to mankind of what is meant to be; most of it was still a bit confusing. However, with Carl’s research in the library joined parts of the puzzle, making the whole picture start to take form as why Sonard’s men did not want man to embark on a nuclear holocaust? Sonard knew man would eventually reach this point destroying planet earth in the process. Sonard had already witness this once when Homo erectus was the prime species, and Jan was sure that Sonard would do everything in his power not to let history repeat its self, and what better way to do it then to infect man, or even the whole planet. A virus that could bring the world to stand still and lower our numbers, bringing man nearly to the brink of extinction and as for Sonard’s people, they would still be abiding by their code of honor, not to destroy another species. Because in some way Sonard’s scientist would be creating life, a biological life the virus itself could seen to be a living organism. Moreover, if the same virus does, destroys man who can blame

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