Time Travel Romances Boxed Set
wryly. “I’m only the
one as can listen, if you know what I mean.”
    Baird considered the offer for only a
moment. This story might reveal something about Aurelia and where
she had come from. “Maybe I will.”
    “ Well, my mother is always
pleased to have company, Mr. Beauforte, and you know where to find
her, that much is for certain.”
    The groundskeeper might have turned away,
but Baird suddenly realized he was the perfect one to ask about
Aurelia’s father. “Talorc, do you know anyone around here named
    “ Hekod?” Talorc’s eyes
brightened and he almost grinned. “Oh, you’ll be sounding like a
history lesson soon, sir! My mother will be taking to you like a
duck to water.”
    “ I don’t understand.” Baird
frowned. “Is Hekod a common name?”
    “ No, far from it, far from
it, indeed. It would be a Norse name, as with the Vikings, you
know, and very few now take those names to their own. There’s one
Hekod I know, and he would be famous around these parts, maybe even
part of the reason the name fell out of favor as it’s
    A local scandal, Baird concluded, realizing
that some kind of family troubles could be at the root of Aurelia’s
    Talorc shook his head and his heavy brows
drew together. “But as I said, I’m no good with a story.”
    Baird could easily imagine the kind of
gossip that would run rife in such a small community. He wondered
what this Hekod had done to earn himself such a reputation.
    “ You’ll be wanting a wee
book I have at home,” Talorc continued with a frown. “I’ll drop it
by for you, if you be interested.”
    Talorc didn’t seem to be the kind of man who
would endorse gossip. Probably he thought Baird should get the
story from Hekod’s own lips, which seemed reasonable enough.
    It must be a phone book he was offering.
    “ Thanks, Talorc. That’d be
    “ Ah!” The old man pursed
his lips and nodded solemnly. “I knew ’twas only time before you
showed an interest in what you’ve got here. These old stones have
tales to tell, Mr. Beauforte, more tales than you can
    With that enigmatic conclusion, Talorc
shuffled off, whistling through his teeth with characteristic
    What could Dunhelm have to do with this
    Baird shook off the question, knowing it
wasn’t the first time he hadn’t exactly understood Talorc. The good
news was that if there weren’t many Hekods around, then this one
Talorc knew could be Aurelia’s father.
    Once Baird found her father, well, maybe
he’d be able to figure out where he had met Aurelia before.
    He watched the old man go, barely aware that
a grim-faced Marissa had come to his side. “Are you finally done
with the help, darling?” she demanded tightly when he didn’t
acknowledge her. She shuddered theatrically.
    “ Yes. Let’s go back
inside,” Baird suggested easily. “I want to have a look at that
reception counter again.”


    The rain slowed and stopped, the sun crawled
across the sky, its glow evident behind the thinning clouds.
Aurelia’s stomach grumbled, she felt the dirt press on her skin and
smelled Bard’s masculinity. She licked her lips and the taste of
his kiss made the secret part of her tingle.
    How she longed to scour herself from head to
    Suddenly, Aurelia realized why no maid was
being sent. Had she not guessed that her women had been taken
prisoner? And if the women of Dunhelm had been enslaved, then
Aurelia might recognize one sent to service her.
    And she might learn where her sire had
    Oh, it was an old trick to keep a prisoner
isolated and secured from news! And part of a captor’s devious
means to earn their victim’s trust and manipulate their thinking.
Well, Bard would not succeed in doing any such thing to
    Aurelia almost charged out of the room to
confront him before she recalled herself.
    She was trying to play the fool! She could
not challenge Bard openly with such accusations and risk

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