Timberman Werebear (Saw Bears Book 3)
accuracy. Then she would scribble the numbers in her notepad and likely use some formula later that would give her an accurate idea of just how devastated this forest was.
    If he was honest, he was in awe of her knowledge of the area. He was an animal and learned by exploring and listening to instinct, but Danielle was smart. Book smart. She knew most of the plants and trees and knew scientific facts about each one. And if she didn’t know something, she dropped down and flipped through her plant books, then repeated the name over and over until she committed it to memory.
    Now, he wasn’t a smart man, or an overly educated one, but he had other qualities about himself he liked just fine. He could play music and make people happy with his songs. He didn’t have stage fright, and he was good with his hands. He had a strong back and could work big machinery on the job site. His alpha trusted him with just about everything up on the landing.
    Danielle though—she had intelligence to go with her quick wit and happy demeanor. And he found that damned sexy.
    He tried to focus on the task at hand as she tossed him the pre-measured loops of rope, but she looked good in her little forest ranger outfit. Khakis, thick-soled hiking boots, and a mud-colored tank top clung to her curves, and he couldn’t for the life of him figure out if he liked her better in this getup or that sexy miniskirt she’d been wearing at Sammy’s Bar.
    His bear was practically humming under his surface with possessive happiness.
    She was his.
    Danielle just didn’t know how thoroughly she’d been chosen yet.

Chapter Eleven
    It had been six glorious days spent exploring the woods with Denison, and Danielle couldn’t remember being any happier. She wished this job would never end. Perhaps if she did what Reynolds wanted her to well enough, he would extend her month-long contract.
    She was going to ask him about it when she met up with him tomorrow.
    Bo bleated from his oversize dog bed near the couch in the Airstream. The little hellion had gone to head-butting Denison whenever he got the chance, but he was sweet as pie to her. She loved him ridiculous amounts.
    After tying the laces of her hiking boots, she grabbed her backpack and the stack of notebooks she’d filled with nature scribbles, drawings, and calculations, then opened the door and stepped out into the gray, early morning light. She waited for Bo to jump clumsily over the single stair after her before she closed the door.
    The trailer park was immersed in chaos as the Ashe Crew readied to head up to the job site for the day. Denison had taken her up there yesterday and showed her around. She’d imagined all of the dangers of his job but hadn’t really realized just how grueling the work was until she saw the crew working to drag logs up the mountain with that heavy machinery firsthand. She tried to keep her worrying to herself, though, because it was plain and obvious that Denison loved his job. They all did.
    She waved to Tagan as he shoved a lunch pail into his truck. He smiled back, but it wasn’t his usual greeting. Worry sat in his blue eyes. She only caught the glimpse of concern before he hopped into his big old black pickup truck with its heavily tinted windows.
    That was weird.
    “Hey, Danielle?” Brooke called from the door of the trailer she shared with Tagan. She was still in flannel pajama bottom pants and a red tank top she probably slept in. Her blond hair was mussed, and she looked pale, as if she wasn’t feeling well again.
    “Come see me after you go out with Denison today, okay? I want to show you something.”
    “Sure. I’ll come straight over.” Danielle frowned as Brooke closed the door behind her.
    Something was up this morning. The usual rowdy greetings from the crew had been skipped, and everyone seemed on edge. Engines turned over and roared to life, and one by one, the trucks backed out of cracked pavement parking spaces and headed up the

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