Through the Dom's Lens
hastily cleared
her throat.
Wood here. I have an appointment at 11:00 AM."   The lie stuck in her throat, but it had the
desired effect. The heavy door buzzed open, and Sally faced a narrow staircase.
Decorated in neutral colors, the hallway held prints of Master J's work, and
Sally wiped her clammy hands on the sides of her clingy silk dress. The
aquamarine fabric clung to every one of her generous curves, and Sally had had
to admit that she looked good in it. Maddy's stylist,
an overly camp individual called Bernard, had rolled his eyes and waved his
perfectly manicured hands.
course you do. You look just like Maddy would if she
ate like a horse."
hadn't known whether to laugh or be offended at that statement, so she'd simply
kept her mouth shut and had endured being a human dress up doll. The end
result, however, had given her the courage to go through with this insane plan.
Her long auburn, and usually so unruly tresses had been tamed into an elegant
up-do, and with the much heavier, smoky eye make-up and glossy lips, she did
look more like Maddy than she ever had done.
door at the top of the stairs was left open, and Sally followed the arrow to
reception. The narrow corridor opened into a plush looking waiting room, in
which several stick thin models waited. Sally suppressed a sigh, and waved good
bye to her newfound confidence. As per usual she was the fatty in the room, and
the way several of the models looked her over and immediately dismissed her
read and sign this release form, Ms. Wood."
forced a smile on her face and approached the tiny oriental girl who sat behind
the wide desk. At least she read nothing but genuine friendliness in her expression, even if the thick leather collar she wore around
her neck gave Sally shivers of anticipation. It proclaimed ownership, and she
couldn't help but wonder whether she was Master J's slave. The thought made her
a little sad, and Sally mentally shook herself.
doubt she wouldn't even get to see the elusive Master J. So
much for him looking for a curvy model for this photo shoot.
name is Aikiri , and if you need anything, all you
have to do is ask." Aikiri smiled at her, and
Sally couldn't help but smile back. "Likewise any questions, I'll only to
be happy to answer them."
you," Sally said. She took the offered pen and clipboard and slid onto the
first available seat.
J is running behind this afternoon, but he will see you soon."
that open smile that made Sally feel as though everything was going to be all right
after all. She ignored the murmurs of dissent from the
assembled crowd of stick insects and concentrated on the release form instead.
As well as the standard permission to use her image, it held a long list of
personal questions that made Sally's head swim.
medical questionnaire was easy but how exactly was she to answer hard and soft
limits, or her particular fetish? Surely this wasn't normal for a simple photo
shoot? But then what did Sally know, really? She had been too chicken to check
out the local munches or to speak to anyone in the lifestyle in person, and
there was only so much you could learn on-line.
was so engrossed in answering the questions that she hadn't noticed the room clearing
out until she heard raised voices—well, one screeching female voice.
can't get away with this. Wait until my agent hears about this."
was the low rumble of a deeply masculine voice that raised the fine hair on her
body with the steely command she sensed, even muffled as it was, the slam of
the door, and then the click-clack of stilettos behind her.
jumped at the screech into her ears, before this particular stick insect
traipsed down the steep stairs.
knew this was a waste of time." The man's voice dripped over her senses
like molten chocolate, and Sally lost her grip on the clip board. It fell to
the floor with a clang, and she winced at the unnaturally

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