again, Troy led the way, this time out of town. Adrenaline rushed through his body at the sound of two sets of hoof beats behind him, and it lightened his heart to know that he wasn’t alone in the world, at least not in this.
During the entire scenic, hour-long ride to the forest near the lake, no one exchanged a word. Troy was afraid that speaking would break the spell or convince the other two men that they were making a mistake in following him without question, in trusting him.
He hoped they at least enjoyed the lush burnished-gold and green landscape en route.
Right then Troy realized why he had confronted James where he had last evening. He must have wanted to share a little of nature’s gift with someone other than the other four-legged beasts he occasionally found himself surrounded by.
When he thought about it, even they kept their distance from him, instinctively knowing that he was different and not like them. They’d never attacked him the way the wolf had last night, and they didn’t 88
Gigi Moore
mingle. It made him wonder why the wolf attacked him last night.
What made him so bold and unlike his brethren? Or had then been something about Troy that incited the other animal?
Once they reached the hidden cove, Troy dismounted and watched his horse go and take a sip from the lake.
He turned as James and Chris dismounted.
James put his fists on his hips and took a deep breath as he surveyed the area around him with a speculative look in his eyes.
By the time James brought his gaze to Troy, Troy knew he had done the right thing in bringing him and Chris to his favorite spot in the world. Troy came to this place whenever he needed to think or get away from it all. Until last night when he’d confronted James in his wolf form and before he’d been attacked, he’d always found safety and solace in this cove.
That he chose to bring James and Chris here proved how much he trusted them. He just hoped his trust wasn’t misplaced.
“It was you last night.”
Troy’s breath hitched in his chest at James’ quiet words, his knowing look. He didn’t consider himself a coward, but he thought if he had seen anything but acceptance and awe glowing out of the marshal’s brandy eyes, he might have turned tail and run. However, the non-accusatory expression gave him some confidence.
He stood a little straighter, silently nodding.
“You’re a Skinwalker.”
“Y–you’ve heard of my kind?”
“I lived and worked among a number of tribes in Indian Territory for several years. I picked up a thing or two.”
And it was then that Troy noticed the small wood carving hanging around James’ neck—a wolf with his head flung back in a pose as if he howled at the moon.
“What are you two talking about?” Chris came to stand beside James, glance darting between him and Troy and back again. “What about last night? What’s a Skinwalker?”
Three Men and a Bounty
“I’ll show him,” Troy murmured. His heart lodged in his throat as he took several steps away from the two men and slowly began to shuck his clothes.
He studied each man during the entire process, and by the time he got down to his skin—boots, hat, and a puddle of clothes at his feet—
he had their rapt attention.
He could well understand their interest, considering his critter jutted straight out from his groin, hard and totally aroused with the tip weeping.
Troy turned from the two men and concentrated. He couldn’t help thinking he might have been off his mental reservation for doing what he was about to do. He couldn’t stop himself, either. He trusted the moment, and something about being around Chris and James made him feel indestructible and untouchable.
He took a deep breath and willed the change. Over the decades, he had become adept at completing it almost instantly. Though the pain proved a given and inescapable, he had learned to ignore the bone crunching and popping so that it didn’t affect his focus overly
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