Three Days of Dominance
say aware, I mean sexually. Or have you not noticed? This decision of yours is being influenced by your body’s reaction to me. This is also the truth.”
    God. Was he right? No. I felt this way, this attracted to him before the toah was inside me . “Wrong.” She croaked out the word. “You know I’m attracted to you anyway. Hell. How could I not be?”
    “Are you flattering me?” He chuckled. “You can’t win this argument. I can change how you see the world in ways you cannot imagine.”
    “Are you certain? I’m part fae myself, remember? This little tattoo thing?” She tapped her forehead. “Maybe I can resist you and Aroha, more than you know.”
    As they argued, Killer sat there watching, his gaze flicking from her to Heketoro and back, as if this were a tennis match being played without a ball.
    “Danii, why do you think you still have the toah inside you? Without my use of glamour, you’d have removed it and thrown it away. With enough power, a fae can make a human see…” he touched her eyelids “…feel…” trailed fingertips across her cheek “…taste…” one finger slipped partway into her mouth “…and hear…” last of all, he swirled that finger in the curves of her ear “…almost anything.” She couldn’t help shivering. “I know this because I’ve tried the toah in the past on many, many women, and that is what happens. It’s a natural response. I tricked you. Now, let me remove it. And then we’ll be done with this.”
    She slumped forward and put her head in her hands. Damn him . Glamour—another one of those mythical things they said the fae could do.
    “You’re doing it now though too. Trying to influence me. Many women? That’s to put me off, isn’t it? Maybe I wouldn’t have thrown it away even without this glamour. I’m not your average shrinking violet, Heketoro. I’ve always known there was something odd about my family. Mom said it to me often enough.” She gritted her teeth. “Let. Me. Help. I’m an adult. Let me. Please!”
    Let him simmer a while. He’d come round.
    He let go, leaned away from her.
    Right. She knew how to ignore as well as he did. She picked up a bunch of pine needles and spread them out like a fan. An ant crawled along the length of one and she watched it, thinking, waiting.
    The man was protecting her. As if things weren’t already complicated enough. A stunningly gorgeous faerie with a BDSM fetish who came from a world where the magic was fueled by these toah eggs. Common, he’d said. So…magic that ran on sex? That seemed so odd. Not creepy, just strange and way outside the realm of normal. Maybe she was lucky he wouldn’t want her to go back with him. Though such a world might be…interesting.
    She wound a pine needle round one finger, unwound it, then back again. This curse was going to kill him and Aroha in two days. As if she could or would ignore that after he’d just saved her from drowning. As if she wanted his death on her conscience.

Chapter Seven
    She sat in the V of his legs, playing with the pine needle and wondering what Heketoro was thinking. His thighs moved in against hers, holding her as if in a vise. He brushed his hand down the length of her hair to her nape, twisted her hair and tightened his grip, making her head tilt back, with her neck exposed. His other hand cupped her breast, thumb circling her nipple.
    She didn’t move…didn’t want to, caught by a storm of desire. “What are you doing?” The words barely made it past her throat, so rapt was she in his caresses.
    “Maybe I’m just taking my pleasure a little farther. Or maybe I’ve listened to you, and now I’m going to remove the toah so you can weigh up the facts without it putting other ideas in your head.”
    She blinked. He’d listened and was what? Going to—
    He captured her mouth.
    She sighed as his mouth closed over hers, hard and insistent. His tongue drove in until she gave and parted her lips. A sweet invasion, he kept

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