Theogony 1: Janissaries

Theogony 1: Janissaries by Chris Kennedy Page B

Book: Theogony 1: Janissaries by Chris Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Kennedy
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Zeus’ helmet of invisibility,
but it is actually a part of the Mark XXXVII Mod 4 combat armor system. When
the full suit is worn, it generates a force field that gives the wearer certain
abilities. One of these is that the suit can bend the light around the wearer.
When the soldier is motionless, he is almost invisible in most circumstances.
The faster he moves, the more likely he is to be seen.
    Ryan took the helmet, and a look of surprise crossed his
face. “This can’t be combat armor,” he said. “It’s far too light to be
    “I think you will be pleasantly surprised,” replied Arges.
“The helmet, as well as the rest of the armor, is a composite fiber that is
much stronger than anything you have ever seen. It will easily stop a round
from one of your combat rifles.”
    “That’s great if we were fighting the Chinese,” Night
growled in his deep voice, “but I’ll bet that the frogs have something better
than the Chinese QBZ-95 assault rifle.”
    Arges’ face fell. “While the veracity of that statement
cannot be ascertained, it is quite likely. They have, after all, had 3,000
years to work out an armament solution to defeat this particular level of
    “What does the armor system weigh as a whole?” asked Ryan.
    “The combat armor system weighs about 100 pounds,” replied Steropes.
“The majority of the weight is the antimatter power generation system.”
    “Wow, that’s going to make combat…difficult,” said Top,
picturing having to carry 75 pounds of gear plus another 100 pounds of armor.
He frowned at Calvin. “Sir, I don’t think we’ll be able to wear it. Their combat
troops must have been monsters.”
    “Actually,” interjected Steropes, “you should be fine with
it. One of its other capabilities is limited anti-gravity.”
    “That is correct,” added Arges. “You can carry a total of
about 250 pounds before you start to experience performance degradation.”
    “What does that mean?” asked Ryan.
    “It means,” explained Steropes, “that in addition to the 100
pounds that the suit weighs, an average soldier can carry 150 pounds and feel
as if he were completely unencumbered. If he had a 200 pound pack, it would only
feel like he was carrying about 50 pounds.”
    “What is an average soldier?” asked Top.
    “When functional, the suit can counteract a total load of about
450 pounds,” said Steropes. “If a soldier weighs 200 pounds, the suit can
counteract his weight, plus 150 pounds of gear and the 100 pound weight of the
suit. The soldier will feel like he isn’t carrying anything. If the soldier
weighs more, he will not be able to carry as much before he starts to feel it.
Alternately, a smaller trooper will be able to pack more.”
    Initially crestfallen when they heard the weight of the
suit, smiles began to light up the faces of the soldiers as they thought about
the extra equipment they would be able to carry and the additional capability
that it would give them.
    “150 pounds…” muttered Ryan. “Hmmm…” Calvin could almost see
the wheels inside Ryan’s head turning as he did the mental calculations.
    “Of course, if you need to carry more,” said Brontes
suddenly, looking at Ryan, “there are always the mechs.” Both of the male
Psiclopes suddenly looked annoyed.
    “ You were not supposed to mention the mechs, ” said Arges
to the other Psiclopes, unheard by the Terrans.
    “ Do you want to watch them face the Drakuls in nothing
but combat armor? The Drakuls will rip them apart. I still remember Atlantis,
even if you don’t, ” replied Brontes, visibly shuddering.
    “ You know DAMN WELL I remember! She was my WIFE! ”
yelled Steropes.
      “ My point exactly, ” said Brontes.
    “Mechs? What mechs?” asked Ryan, unaware of the conversation
going on around him. “Like in the movies?”
    “We used to have heavy mechanized combat armor suits,” replied
Steropes. “Unfortunately, we don’t have any here, nor

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