Their Border Lands Refuge [Men of the Border Lands 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Their Border Lands Refuge [Men of the Border Lands 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Marla Monroe Page A

Book: Their Border Lands Refuge [Men of the Border Lands 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Marla Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Monroe
Tags: Romance
threatening to bury her. She was sure that when she came, it would be wonderful. Tension stretched along her muscles and tendons as her lover filled her over and over again with his stiff cock.
    “Aw, hell. I’m not going to last, baby.” His voice sounded strained as he reached between them and located her clit.
    As soon as his finger touched her aching nub, she succumbed to the overpowering explosion that took her breath and left her panting with no way to scream out her release. Owen grunted above her then called out her name as he filled her with his cum. Liquid heat splattered her cunt as he lowered his head onto her neck and growled.
    When he had recovered, he moved off of her and pulled her into the cradle of his arms. Kissing her on the cheek, he struggled to regain his breath while she fought to regain control of hers as well.
    “I love you, Sky.”
    “I love you, too. I think I’m useless now, though. I don’t even think I can cook dinner tonight.”
    Owen popped her on the side of her thigh with a laugh. “You’re not getting out of cooking tonight. Get up and get to work.”
    Skyler squealed and jumped off the couch, grabbing her clothes as she ran for the kitchen. She grinned to herself as she quickly gathered everything to make beef stroganoff for them. She hoped Simon would hurry back. She was anxious to find out what he had learned. Surely there would be families close by that she could get to know the women in the household. The prospect of a friend was exciting.
    While she cooked, she carried on a conversation with Owen, who remained in the den tending to the fire.
    “Do you think Simon found anyone willing to help? He’s been gone a long time.”
    “I don’t know, but we can hope so.”
    “Did he say how many people lived in the area?”
    She heard him chuckle. “No. Now stop asking me questions I don’t know the answer to.”
    She stuck he tongue out at him and continued to stir the sauce on the stove. She checked the flame on the burner and turned it down to let the concoction simmer. Then she wiped her hands on a towel and returned to the den to harass Owen.
    Just as she dropped down on his lap, the sound of a vehicle out front had her scrambling to get up again. Surely it was Simon. She hurried to the door to open it for him, but Owen stopped her from disengaging the locks.
    “That’s not Simon’s truck. I know the sound. Get upstairs. Now!”

Chapter Ten
    Simon wasn’t comfortable pulling into the drive of their nearest neighbors. He had been alone for so long that the idea of bringing even more people into his life bothered him. But the fact of the matter was, they needed help with the wolf situation and he knew that Skyler was eager for female companionship as well.
    He sighed and climbed out of the truck. He was so intent on his own thoughts that he hadn’t noticed that someone had walked out onto the porch until they stopped him in midstride.
    “Hold up right there.”
    Simon held out his hands to his side palms out to show that he wasn’t armed. He should have been paying attention.
    “What do you want?” The other man stood with a rifle aimed right at him.
    “I’m Simon. I live just west of you about three miles over. I don’t mean any harm. My partner and our wife are having wolf troubles. We knew that many of the families around here are working together to thin them out some. We were hoping to work with you on that.”
    The other man stared at him for several long seconds before nodding his head and lowering the rifle.
    “Come on in. I’m Micah. We can talk inside where it’s warmer.”
    Simon nodded and followed the other man inside the house. Another man stood next to the fireplace with a rifle as well. He nodded at Simon and set the weapon down.
    “This is Jeremy, my partner. Jeremy, this is Simon from our west. He’s interested in thinning out the wolves and wants to be a part of our hunting party.”
    “Good to meet you, Simon.” Jeremy reached out

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