The Wolf's Pursuit
    Rosalind seemed to let out a deep exhale next
to her. Most likely in relief, considering she had been so worried
about Gwen ever since her return from Dominique's castle.
    If only her sisters knew. Her innocence had
long ago been taken, by watching the horrors of what men with power
could do. Not a night went by when she didn't see the nightmares of
the torture Napoleon had inflicted on some of his people, women in
general. She had barely escaped without becoming another
    And the Crown had done nothing to commend her
except send her back into the darkness of Hades in order to glean
more information.
    She was broken. Perhaps Hunter was right. She
was a temptation for a man, but that was all. For she could offer
nothing, save her body, to another human being, for who wanted a
soul that was so tainted?

Chapter Twelve
    You truly looked beautiful today. I didn't
mean to upset you. I was trying to goad the men into defending you.
Lecherous idiots that they are. Do tell me what you learn after you
spend your afternoons with both of them, and do not, I repeat, do
not allow them to get you alone. Take a chaperone, or you will
force the Wolf to become the Hunter, and we both know what happens
when the Hunter is after you…
    — Wolf
    Hunter shifted uncomfortably in his seat as
all three gentlemen sent dirty looks in his direction. Words flew
freely from his mouth without his brain once discussing with his
lips what should or should not come out. It was as if he had taken
complete leave of his senses. What the devil had he been thinking?
Perhaps Dominique had drugged him for kissing Gwen. If the Beast
only knew that it had been several kisses and he had in fact
captured and tortured her.
    The image of his body floating face-down in
the river wasn't even enough to keep him from wanting to slap
himself for his foolish words.
    For him, a man of excellent seduction skills,
to tell a woman in front of other men, no less, that she looked
awful! He'd nearly groaned when he saw her face fall. Her dress was awful. It had nothing to do with what was beneath it,
but it was entirely too proper for his liking.
    He liked her in red.
    Curse the woman.
    Now every time he saw her, she seemed to be
wearing some ugly color that made him want to rip the dress from
her frame.
    Which his body quite agreed with.
    Though he imagined her sisters wouldn't have
been pleased with him. In some ways, he was angry with Gwen. She
was a temptation he could not afford, not with the lives of people
he cared about in the balance. Yet there she was, a conundrum if
there ever was one.
    It made him uneasy to see Trehmont and
Redding in the drawing room and even more nervous that Gwen would
be spending time with them. Yet the plan was working perfectly.
Both men seemed entranced by her. Who would not be? Considering
they were being pressured to settle down this Season, it was hardly
difficult to get the men to fawn over her. Now at least it would be
easier to follow them and keep a watchful eye on their actions. His
nose suddenly pained him. He reached up and touched it. At least he
knew she could defend herself.
    The tea became cold in his cup. He put it
down on the table and rose to excuse himself, when the butler
entered again.
    "The Earl of Eastbrook."
    Trapped, with no way to escape, Hunter sat
back down.
    Redding and Trehmont seemed less than pleased
that they had more competition, for Eastbrook had taken great care
in making his appearance perfect. Stupid man. All Hunter needed was
his cousin sniffing around Gwen's skirts. He had enough problems as
it was.
    "Ah Haverstone, thought I might find you
here!" Eastbrook slapped his gloves against his leg and smiled
coolly. Then his eyes fell on Gwen. "And what a lovely creature,
more lovely than even my best dreams."
    Gwen blushed.
    Why the devil did she blush?
    Could she not see how evil he was?
    Well, perhaps he wasn't particularly evil.
After all, he hadn't necessarily done anything

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