The Woken Gods

The Woken Gods by Gwenda Bond Page A

Book: The Woken Gods by Gwenda Bond Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gwenda Bond
Tags: adventure, Romance, Fantasy, Young Adult
world first, dazed. “So sorry,” is the first thing out of his mouth, “that was a rookie error.”
    Beside him, Justin says, “We are rookies.”
    Oz’s scowl has not gone with the vision.
    “Hey,” I say, wanting to distract him. He was kind to me back there. Why not be the same? These are the only people I can ask about Society stuff for now. “How did you find us here?”
    Oz straightens. “One of the revelers recognized him.” Oz nods to Tam. “She passed on the news to his dad.”
    “My dad would never tell you,” Tam says.
    Oz smiles. “He would if he was worried for his son, it turns out. And so he was. Something about your mom killing him if you got hurt while she’s out of town. He’s not happy with you.”
    “Where is he then?” Tam asks, suspicious.
    “We told him we’d bring you right to your front door as soon as we were done here.”
    “No,” I say.
    Oz asks, “What do you mean?”
    “I need to go somewhere else first.”
    I don’t relish the next part, but it’s time. Past time. This is my only next move. “If you’re willing to come with me, that is.” So maybe I want to delay a few more seconds.
    Bree and Tam stand beside each other, unified. She says, “I’m not backing out after that. Whatever you need. But your dad… He confessed, Kyra.”
    “No,” I say. “He didn’t. He turned himself in. That’s different. I need to figure out what to do about it.”
    Oz says, “We can’t let you do anything about it.”
    “Not your call,” I say, sweetly.
    “Where do you want to go?” Bree asks.
    The question is simple and the answer oh-so-complicated.
    “To Oracle Circle.” I have always known the day would come when Bree and Tam find out about Mom. Dread of their reactions has kept me from telling them. They know I keep my walls high, if not why, not the reason I’m like this. But necessity is a devil, and I can’t stomach lying to them anymore. Not after the way I feel about my dad lying to me. “I need to go there to see my mom.”
    Bree’s head cocks back in surprise. “Come again?”
    Tam says nothing.
    “My mom,” I say. “I need to see her.”
    Bree shakes her head. “First a grandfather, then your dad’s a super-librarian hiding out with Sumerian gods, and now this ? A mom?”
    “I’ve always had the mom.”
    Bree doesn’t respond.
    “You don’t have to come with me,” I say. “I had reasons, but… I know I should have told you sooner.”
    I look down, study my boots. Oz and Justin stay out of this. It isn’t their business. I wait for Bree or Tam to tell me off, to start talking about what a lost cause I am. I dragged them all this way, put them through that , and without even being honest.
    Finally, I can’t stand it any longer. I have to look up.
    Bree must have been waiting for that. “We’re coming,” she says. She nudges Tam with an elbow. “Right?”
    “Of course,” he says, and then, “I think I get why you didn’t want us to know.”
    “No, you really don’t.” Because it’s not just that Mom’s an oracle at the Circle. That’s not the worst part.
    When I start walking, they do too. We go back out the main hallway, where it becomes clear that twilight is coming on outside. We must have been in the abzu far longer than it felt like we were.
    As we exit onto the top of the ziggurat, the sun sinks below the horizon of the strange view. That’s also where the monster meets us with a roar. Two beats of Anzu’s wings brings him to me. Make that in front of me, separating me from the others.
    Oh no . This can only mean one thing.
    “Guys,” I say, “meet my new guard. Anzu.”

    “Anzu,” I say, in the careful tone I’d use on a stray dog, which may prove unwise, “these are not threats. These are…” I hesitate, considering what category Justin and Oz should go into. Bree gives me a meaningful eyebrow raise. “…friends. All friends.” But I amend to, “At least unless I say they’re something

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