The Witches of Merribay (The Seaforth Chronicles)

The Witches of Merribay (The Seaforth Chronicles) by B.J. Smash Page A

Book: The Witches of Merribay (The Seaforth Chronicles) by B.J. Smash Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.J. Smash
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the same to you, Ivy, I'm going to hit the hay . I've had a long day,” said Aunt Clover.
    “Sure , that's fine.” Phew! She wanted to go to bed. I'd be able to sneak out without any problems.
    She helped Aunt Cora to one of the couches and then covered her with a blanket . I hopped on the other couch and covered myself up to my chin.
    “Aren't you going to change into pajamas? Brush your teeth?” Aunt Clover asked me.
    I got up and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. While I was in there, Aunt Clover walked by the bathroom door. Speaking loudly she said, “Good night! See you in the morning.”
    After a few minutes , I came out and lay on the couch. I hadn't bothered to change into pajamas. She wouldn't be back out again.
    The lights were off , and I waited patiently for Aunt Cora to fall asleep. Before she nodded off, she started babbling about something, but it caught my attention right away.
    “I never should have sent him in there . He'd still be here.”
    “What are you talking about , Aunt Cora?”
    She lay on her stomach, with her cheek to the pillow, eyes closed, and an arm dangled over the couch. “He went in.”
    “That place. The woods.”
    My heart sped up . “Who, Aunt Cora?”
    She began to lightly snore , but I still prodded her.
    “Who went into the woods, Aunt Cora?” I asked again , slightly louder.
    She stirred . The only thing that moved was her lips.
    “My love . He went in for my lovey.”
    And then she was out.
    The time had come . I stood at the doorway of Aunt Clover and Aunt Cora's café, my hand on the glass doorknob, my feet planted firmly on the wooden floor. Could I really pull this off? I had never had the bravado of some people.
    I took several deep breaths, opened the door, and stepped out . Instantly, the rain pelted me in the face and soaked my T-shirt and shorts, making me cold. My hair was soaked, and the rain stung my eyes. I began to jog. As I approached the boat, the wind picked up and the surf swelled over the dock, causing it to sway back and forth. Fog had rolled in and thunder clapped overhead, shaking the ground. Lightning struck off in the distance.
    Why did we have to have a thunderstorm on this night , the night I had to sneak into someone's houseboat? I had a feeling, though, that no matter what night I chose, it would storm.
    I was told by Izadora that if Magella hadn't left the boat, I was to pretend that I needed a reading and abort the mission.
    I stepped on the dock and immediately almost fell into the water. I caught my balance and began to walk to the boat, feeling as though I were walking on the moon. When I picked one foot up, it was as though the dock flew up to greet it.
    Through the fog , I could see the boat. As wavy as the sea was, the boat sat peacefully, as though it were above any weather conditions. A chill ran down my spine, and not just from the cold.
    On board , I knocked on the door. No one answered. I knocked again. No answer. Before my hand reached the handle, the door slowly opened to darkness. Stepping in, my eyes adjusted to see that one lone candle had been left burning by the kitchen sink.
    “Hello? ”
    No answer.
    I swallowed over the lump in my throat.
    I would never find this rolling pin without light, and I ran my hands over the walls for a light switch. There wasn't any. I would have to use the candle. As I stepped forward, another candle lit on the counter, and another by the stove. How were the candles lighting? As bizarre as the situation was, at least I could see now. I began searching the drawers.
    After searching the kitchen completely, I moved on to the living room , where more candles on the mantle lit, all on their own accord. Creepy.
    I searched under the sofas, under the cushions, in a chest in the corner . I even looked behind books on the bookshelves for secret compartments, checking the cauldron in the fireplace as well, to no avail. After a while, I knew it wasn't there. My eyes

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