The Winter War
design characteristics which suggest a Xinti
origin. We’ve had reports of attacks on Torem and Herosian
shipping, and the Herosians have reported some intercepted comm
traffic which they think is encrypted Xinti.’
    ‘I don’t suppose they’ve
released that data to the Navy?’ Aneka asked. ‘Between Al and Aggy
we should be able to break the encryption.’
    ‘You’ll need to ask your
enigmatic friend about that,’ Ape said. ‘That’s above our pay
grade. We did, however, think it might be useful to have your
computer, or both of them, look over the sensor data. Maybe they
can see something which will identify it one way or another.’
    ‘You’re willing to let a couple
of Xinti AIs help you?’
    ‘Miss Jansen, right now if a
Xinti War Leader walked through that door in a full combat body and
offered his assistance, I’d take it! You said we looked tired,
Gillian? Well this is about the first break we’ve had from patrol
since you left for Old Earth. So, yes, I’ll take all the help I can
    Aneka nodded and looked at
Leeforth. ‘Send the files across to the Hyde. Aggy will take a look
as soon as possible.’
    ‘All right,’ Ape said. ‘We’ve
been waiting on you getting back to give final approval on the next
phase of talks with Old Earth. We’ve got a package ready to send
over with the plans the Negral AIs gave us for that souped-up
tachyon communication system of theirs. Even with that the range
between the two Earths is too great to go direct, so they want to
build a relay here. They tell me that it’ll give us a six-day round
trip for a message instead of one generation sending the message
and the next getting the reply.’
    Gillian laughed. ‘It’s not that
bad, but the shorter interval would be useful. Why do we need to
give approval?’
    ‘Just making sure you still
thought the same way now as before, I assume.’
    ‘We do, I think.’ No one said
anything against the idea so she nodded and said, ‘We do. That comm
system is advanced, even for them. It may take them some time to
build it.’
    ‘Quite possibly, but our
estimates suggest that it’ll be up and running before you get to
New Earth. I was told to say that if you have any briefing material
you wanted to add to your previous data you should send it
    ‘I doubt there’s anything much.
I’ll review the report we sent and amend as necessary. As you said,
it would be nice to have a few days’ rest before moving on. How is
this all going down with the Administration?’
    Ape gave a short, mirthless
laugh. ‘You think they’d tell me? I get the feeling they’re all
wrapped up in the details, mostly the problems. The press were told
and they’re playing it up as the greatest discovery ever. As far as
I know, the Herosians and Torem have no comment. It’s not really
anything to do with them.’
    ‘I guess we’ll just have to see
how it goes then.’
    ‘Any instructions on dealing
with the press?’ Drake asked.
    ‘You’ve no comment until you get
back to New Earth,’ Ape replied. ‘There are a few reporters about
the station, possibly some on the planet, so watch your step.’
    Harriamon Naval Station, 24.1.527
    ‘Urgent message delivery for Ella
Narrows,’ the computer announced in a flat monotone which did not
sound especially urgent.
    Frowning, Ella sat up in bed and
looked at the terminal at the side of the room they had been
assigned aboard the naval station. ‘Aggy would have said that with
a better tone. I don’t feel especially energised to find out what
it says.’
    Still lying back on the bed,
Aneka chuckled. ‘You best take a look. Maybe it’s from your
    ‘Huh, yeah, true.’ Ella slipped
out of the bed and stepped over to the console. ‘Though I don’t
think she’d disturb me during sex.’
    ‘She sent it days ago. I don’t
think she could’ve known…’
    ‘This is my mother we’re talking
about. She’d…’ Ella stopped suddenly and Aneka pushed herself

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