The Wicked Mr Hall

The Wicked Mr Hall by Roy Archibald Hall Page B

Book: The Wicked Mr Hall by Roy Archibald Hall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roy Archibald Hall
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a George Offat the Third. Offat was as ludicrously rich as the Laws. He had homes in Los Angeles and Virginia. The Virginia home was a mansion and ancestral seat. I was told that, if I took the position, I would have my own manservant, car and complete responsibility for a large household staff. I would have my own house on the estate and was assured that ‘tips’ would be so generous as to enable me not to touch my quite large salary. Apparently, the next door neighbour was a Mrs Dodge, widow of the motor magnate. This was the crème de la crème of American society, and I was to be the resident English butler. Offat flew to Greece, and from there sent an affidavit to the US government. He stated that I would not be a ‘charge’ to that country, that he would fly me back to the UK every year for a holiday, and would cover all medical bills.
    Now I needed my green card. I picked up the relevant forms from the US embassy. At this stage, I said little to Phylis. As soon as I read through the forms I knew that, for me, there was no legal way of leaving the country. There was no way I could fit the criteria without having a completely fresh identity.
    This was impossible – Offat already knew me as Roy Fontaine. If I completed these forms, there was a chancethat I would be uncovered. Then I would lose what I already had. I couldn’t risk it. The odds were too steep. I was glad I hadn’t told Phylis. Even so, my feet were itchy and I wanted to move.
    Sir George and Lady Aylwen liked Phylis and me. At my interview, as she read my forged references, I remember her saying that a reference wasn’t worth the paper it was written on. She relied on her judgement. That was good! The next day she phoned High Trees, to check up on her prospective new butler. I answered the phone and, disguising my voice, gave a glowing testimonial to Roy Fontaine. Phylis and I were greeted with flowers and wine.
    We now lived in Green Street, off Mayfair. Sir George was a former Lord Mayor of London and his Greek wife was many years younger than him. She controlled the household. In fact, she controlled everything, including her husband. Sir George went to bed early and alone.
    The mistress was attracted to young foreign aristocrats. Wealth and titles don’t always go hand in hand and I noted that some of her young lovers were actually rather ‘down at heel’. I think this gave her the power and dominance in the relationships. Power and dominance, as I was soon to find out, were strong emotional drives in my new employer. There was something about her, an edge, a cruel edge. I would hear her in conversation with young men whom I knew shared her bed. She would pass remarks that were quite cutting. What made Lady Aylwen different from someone who just picked on another, was that she delighted in it. I felt it excited her to be cruel.
    I had been there only a short while when she started toplay her games with me. One night I was summoned, time after time. I climbed the long staircase that led to her bedroom. The mistress was sitting up in bed, a low-cut negligée covering her breasts. She had dark blonde hair and resembled the late Marlene Dietrich. ‘Bring me my cigarettes,’ she demanded. I complied. After saying goodnight, I returned to my quarters downstairs. Only seconds passed before her bell rang again. ‘I can’t see my lighter. Find it for me.’ Her gold cigarette lighter was inches away from her, in plain view. Again, I wished her goodnight and descended the staircase. Her bell was already ringing when I walked back into my room.
    Once more I climbed the staircase. This time her instruction was beyond belief. The unlit cigarette was in her hand: ‘Light me.’ As a conscientious employee, I had never before been treated so contemptuously. Standing over her, I lit her cigarette. There was anger in my voice when I asked her whether she would require anything else of me before I retired for the evening. She remained silent for a few

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