The White Horse of Zennor

The White Horse of Zennor by Michael Morpurgo Page B

Book: The White Horse of Zennor by Michael Morpurgo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Morpurgo
but for a powerful feeling of affection for the old lady. She had been welcomed into a house where no other person had gone in fifty years, and she had been trusted by the old lady to keep their meeting a secret. Tempted as she was she could not and would not tell anyone, but she did go so far as to promise that tomorrow she might have a very special new attraction in the zoo.
    â€˜Where will you get it from?’ they asked.
    â€˜What is it?’
    â€˜Can we pick it up like the grass snake?’
    â€˜Aha,’ she said mysteriously to everyone. She knew she had said enough to bring them all back the next daywith money in their pockets and so she said no more.
    â€˜I saw you up on the moor again this afternoon,’ said her father that evening after supper. ‘See you a mile off clambering around in that yellow shirt of yours. Find what you were looking for?’
    â€˜Sort of, Father,’ she said and she smiled to herself.
    â€˜Nowhere near that house was she?’ her mother asked sharply.
    But to Kate’s great relief no reply came from her father who was hidden again behind his newspaper.
    â€˜You keep away from there like I told you,’ said her mother. ‘From what I hear, and I wouldn’t be surprised, there’s some people say she’s a witch.’
    â€˜I don’t believe in witches,’ said Kate.
    â€˜Never you mind what you believe in,’ said her mother. ‘You just mind what I say. There’s things I could tell you my girl.’
    The next morning she was up at first light to prepare a home for Jasper in the old stable that no one used any more. The greenhouse was already over-crowded and anyway she knew enough to know that Jasper and hercreepy crawlies would not get on together. She cleared out the old rusty chains and plough shares, the rotten corn sacks and fertiliser bags, and swept it all clean. The hay-rack would make a perfect perch for Jasper when he was better and he would have room to spread his wings. Meanwhile she made a mattress of soft hay for Jasper to lie on.
    The mist had come down again as she climbed up into the clouds towards the lost house. Even before she knocked on the front door she heard the old lady talking and laughing to herself at the back of the house.
    â€˜Come in, Kate,’ she heard, and so she pushed open the door and went through into the kitchen.
    Miss Marney was sitting in her rocking chair by the stove and sitting on her shoulder was Jasper who cawed unpleasantly at Kate as she came closer. Kate stood astonished. She could see no trace of his wounds. He seemed totally recovered.
    â€˜Don’t mind him Kate, it’s only talk. Come in, come in – he won’t hurt. You didn’t tell anyone you’d been up here did you?’
    â€˜No, Miss Marney,’ Kate said quite unable to take hereyes off Jasper. ‘But I don’t understand,’ she said. ‘He was almost dead yesterday. How do you do it?’
    â€˜Almost dead, but not quite,’ said the old lady. ‘He’ll need some care, some rest and some good food – meat mind you. He likes his meat, don’t you Jasper? Then he’ll be righter than rain in a few weeks.’
    â€˜But how did you do it, Miss Marney?’ Kate asked reaching out cautiously to smooth Jasper on the head.
    â€˜Oh, I have my ways,’ Miss Marney said chortling. ‘I have my ways. I’m quite pleased with him really. To be honest with you I was quite worried when you brought him in, but there’s not a lot I can’t do if I put my mind to it. Would you have a cup of tea, child? I’ve only one cup. I’ve only ever had need for one cup, you understand. But I’ve had mine so I’ll wash it up and let you have a fresh cup. Jasper will go to you, won’t you Jasper? He can’t fly yet, so come a little closer so that he can hop onto your shoulder. That’s right.’ The raven put its head on one

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