The Vintage Ice Cream Van Road Trip (Cherry Pie Island - Book 2)
daughter of one of his mother’s ex-husbands so, technically, a sister.’
    Holly spun round to face him. ‘Oh I don’t mind who he talks to,’ she laughed, trying to sound extra casual, ‘There’s nothing between us.’
    Alfonso struggled with a sly smile, ‘Of course not,’ he said, ‘I am just telling you who the guests are.’
    ‘Oh, Holly! There you are!’ At the sound of the voice Holly suddenly found herself enveloped into a huge Estée Lauder hug, held against giant bosoms and arms clamped tight round her. ‘If I could have picked who would have had my first grandchild, you would have been up there at the top of the list. Let me look at you, I haven’t seen you for ages. Don’t you look gorgeous? Always had the most enviable eyes. I’d have died for those eyes. Oh haven’t you just blossomed into a swan? How’s the baby? Can I feel it? People don’t like that nowadays, do they? In my day it was hands everywhere. Every Tom, Dick and Harry giving it a good feel,’ the woman laughed, she had a tiny nick of lipstick on her teeth.
    Holly darted Emily a quick glance before she said anything and Emily mouthed, ‘Sorry.’
    ‘Oh goodness, was I not meant to know? Oh, Emily!’ The woman bashed her daughter on the arm. ‘Why didn’t you tell me it was a secret?’
    ‘It’s not a secret, Mrs Hunter-Brown,’ Holly said, feeling just a touch shell-shocked that everyone knew and back home she hadn’t even told her dad.
    ‘Holly!’ she reprimanded, ‘You must call me Diana, please. I haven’t been Hunter-Brown for yonks. Soon to be Beauchene. Means beautiful oak, don’t you think that’s lovely? I think it’s lovely. I can’t wait to see the ice cream van. I’ve bought a churn.’
    ‘A what?’ Holly choked on her lemon water.
    ‘A churn,’ said Diana, ‘I thought tomorrow we could make ice cream. Wouldn’t that be lovely?’
    Holly glanced at Emily again who scrunched up her nose and nodded.
    ‘Ah, it is the ice cream girl?’ said a man strolling up to their group, cigar burnt almost to the stub, belly encased in a cream and blue striped shirt, bright-blue trousers rolled up at the ankle and bare feet. His hair was completely white and his eyebrows were enormous. ‘Jean-Paul,’ he said, taking the cigar out of his mouth, holding the stub between his fingers and reaching the same hand out for her to shake. ‘Enchanté,’ he said and kissed the back of her hand. ‘I am going to try the menthe in the ice cream. I think it will be good.’
    ‘So I hear we’re churning tomorrow,’ Wilf drawled as he appeared next to them, holding a glass of red wine in one hand and a sausage in a bit of baguette in the other.
    ‘Hello, darling.’ Diana squished Wilf into a hug and Jean-Paul patted him on the arm.
    ‘We take a look at the restaurant tomorrow?’ Jean-Paul said and Wilf nodded.
    Emily started talking about everything she wanted to cram into the day. As well as the ice cream making she wanted to go to the market, then for a swim in the lake and possibly go and get her hair done before the wedding.
    As she was talking, Holly felt Wilf take a step closer to her and he turned slightly and said, ‘Do you need anything? Do you want some food? Shall I get you some food?’
    Holly started to answer, said she’d go and get something in a minute, but Wilf had already headed back to the barbecue.
    She realised Diana was watching her, her expression unreadable but maybe just the hint a slight smile hovering on her lips.
    Holly felt herself blush.
    ‘What are you smiling at?’ Emily said, then glanced at Holly’s red cheeks and over to Wilf who had piled a plate with salad, a baguette and some chicken and was making his way back over. ‘Oh,’ said Emily.
    Holly looked at the patterns in the patio floor. Standing next to her, Wilf handed her the plate and a fork, completely oblivious to any looks passing between the group.
    ‘It’s lovely to see you taking care of Holly, Wilfred,’ Emily

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