The Village
    â€˜I’m not grieving,’ she interrupted. ‘I’m glad he’s gone. We actually disliked each other. The marriage was arranged many years ago much to my distaste. I was forced to marry him.’
    â€˜I see, ‘ I managed to say. ‘I wanted to give you time to get over the shock. I didn’t want to take advantage. I mean the moment I saw you, I became besotted. You are truly beautiful and I’m in love with you.’ There... I’d spoken my mind and there was no doubt she knew how I felt about her.
    She smiled at me wistfully. ‘I think you’re very handsome, You have a strong face, a good physique, and I feel that I can trust you.’
    â€˜What are you saying?’ I challenged not quite grasping the nettle.
    â€˜I think it would be a good idea for us to live together to see whether we could make a match,’ she returned brazenly. ‘That’s if you’re willing to become part of our community. You realise that once we start a relationship, you will not be allowed to leave the village for any reason whatsoever.’
    â€˜Why’s that?’ I demanded. ‘Why Won’t I be allowed to leave?’ I became quite concerned with her comment.
    â€˜I can’t answer that question at this particular time,’ she responded although I knew that she could. ‘There’s a reason for everything and if you remain here you’ll find out eventually.
    â€˜I’m sure I will,’ I said, rising as I decided it was time for me to leave.
    â€˜Where are you going?’ she asked with surprise showing on her face.
    â€˜To the cafeteria to get myself something to eat,’ I replied truthfully.
    She stared at the clock on the mantelshelf. ‘It’s closed,’ she informed me. ‘The cafeteria closes early here.’ I grimaced which cause her to laugh. ‘’You’re quite amusing, did you know that? I’ve watched your expressions and I think they’re funny.’
    I didn’t know how to take that remark but I let it pass without responding. ‘Is there no other place to dine?’
    â€˜Yes,’ she said with a smile touching her lovely lips. ‘You can dine here with me and Robert.’
    â€˜I wouldn’t want to put you out,’ I advanced stupidly although I was becoming hungry and the idea sounded good.
    â€˜You won’t starve in my house, I assure you. And there’s something else. Where are you going to sleep tonight?’
    â€˜I was going back to the police station to ask if they’d let me stay in one of the cells.’
    â€˜You’ll sleep here,’ she said flatly. You can either sleep in my bed with me or on the couch here. It’s quite comfortable.’
    I wondered how she knew that but recognised she had probably argued with her husband and slept on it. Nonetheless, this woman wasted no time dithering about political correctness. I could sleep with her in her bed. A wave of lust started to envelop me and I paused to recover my poise. I was sitting in a house with a very attractive widow who obviously regarded me as her next catch. Suddenly, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to be captured so quickly. It was all going too fast for me.
    After dinner, I helped Robert with his homework using a pencil and paper. The history he had learned went up to the Boer War and no further. He had no idea about the First or the Second World War. As far as he was concerned they hadn’t happened. With the mathematics, I rued the fact that there was no calculator and I had to work out the figures in my head.
    At eight o’clock that evening, Robert went to bed, leaving me alone with his mother. We talked generally although I avoided asking any awkward questions which I knew would bring me no cogent answers, We spoke as a man and a woman ready to court each other until an hour later Bridget yawned and looked slightly tired.
    â€˜Are you going to sleep

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