The Vampire...In My Dreams

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Book: The Vampire...In My Dreams by Terry Spear Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Spear
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have enough ingredients for both of us.”
    “I don’t need the potion to turn invisible.”
    “Right. We can just make something up.”
    Marissa opened her book and began to slip her ingredients into the bottle. Kate glanced at me, then realizing I didn’t have anything to put in mine, shoved some roots, a grassy-looking substance, a vial of yellow liquid and three mushrooms to me.
    Surprised, but immeasurably pleased, I bowed my head to her, wordlessly thanking her. After adding the proper amounts to the beaker, I handed the rest back to her with my profound gratitude.
    “Partners in crime,” she whispered and gave me a wry smile.
    I realized then, somehow I’d won Marissa’s best friend over, too, which could only help our situation at this point.
    After adding boiling water to the mixture, stirring and shaking the ingredients until they dissolved into a fine liquid, we were to test the potion on ourselves. I raised the cooled beaker to my lips, but couldn’t force myself to drink the obnoxious-smelling potion, bittersweet and slightly acidic. I pretended to drink it, then set the beaker on the table. With a motion of my hand, I vanished. Then so did Marissa.
    “Can you sense me here beside you, Marissa?”
    “You’re invisible.”
    I felt the warmth of her body, smelled the perfume scenting her, and listened to the subtle increase in the beat of her heart. I would have reached out and pulled her to me, but I wanted her to learn how to find me on her own when she was invisible.
    “Yes, I’m invisible, but can you feel my presence? Shut your eyes and use your sixth sense to locate me.”
    She drew closer, her breath touching my cheek, her heart beating faster. I moved my lips to hers and smiled when her mouth turned up.
    “I sense you are very close, Dominic.”
    “Hmmm, yes, you have great sensory perception.”
    I kissed her like I had the night before, building up the passion, gently at first. She hummed her pleasure when I kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, then worked down to her lips.
    Suddenly, clapping filled the room.

Chapter 10
    With our lips locked together, my eyes popped open. Dominic and I were fully visible. My cheeks burned—well, so did my whole body, all the way down to my sneaker-covered toes.
    Mr. Thornton stared at us for a moment, then his gray cheeks stained cherry and he coughed. “Now you can see where the invisibility potion can come in handy. Only next time, you might want to make it a might more powerful to make the experience last longer.”
    I glanced at Kate, expecting to see disapproval. But instead she smiled at me. Did she now understand? For once in my life, a guy cared about me, and only about me. It warmed me through and through.
    “Yeah,” she said, “I’d say he’s a keeper, girl.”
    “That’s what I thought.” I grinned at her, totally thrilled she seemed to like him too, and wanted the best for me.
    Mr. Thornton explained the ingredients we’d require for our next potion and how to combine them to produce the perfect sleeping aid.
    When the bell rang, it was time for history. Dominic and I nearly slept through class while Miss Winston droned on about the Salem witch trials, absent-mindedly twisting a gray curl around her finger the whole time. But when it came to the last class for the day, gym, Dominic tried to follow Kate and me into the witches’ locker room. I pointed at the room across the hall. “Warlocks’ locker room.”
    He rubbed his chin and considered the door to the guys’ locker room. “You know, I’m not really a jock or anything.”
    I squeezed his hand, hoping to reassure him it didn’t matter to me. “You don’t have to be, but try not to do anything you shouldn’t. After this, school’s done.”
    “Lunchtime?” His dark brows perked up.
    “Yep.” I was glad to see his spirits lifted.
    “Good, I’m already famished.”
    “Are you buying?”
    Dominic smiled. “I thought you were cooking.”
    “We’ll order a

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