The Undead That Saved Christmas Vol. 2

The Undead That Saved Christmas Vol. 2 by ed. Lyle Perez-Tinics Page B

Book: The Undead That Saved Christmas Vol. 2 by ed. Lyle Perez-Tinics Read Free Book Online
Authors: ed. Lyle Perez-Tinics
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we rounded Pine Street;
    Struggling to stand
    On our achy, sore feet.

    “One more then we’re finished,”
    Pastor Carol did boast.
    “Then it’s back to the rec hall
    Where it’s warm as fresh toast!”

    We started to sing
    That old Silent Night ;
    When the door burst wide open
    And gave us a fright!

    Three zombies came stumbling
    Out the Harrington’s door;
    Dripping our neighbor’s blood
    All over the floor.

    Those zombies they saw us
    And gave quite a start;
    And the smell that came off them
    Was worse than… a fart !

    It reeked quite of death
    Of rot and decay;
    Not things one should smell
    On a bright Christmas Day!

    Their teeth were quite yellow
    Their eyes were pure red;
    And the gray of their skin
    Made it clear they were… undead .

    I wanted to bolt
    I wanted to run;
    But the zombies were hungry
    For some holiday fun.

    I turned to find seven
    Shuffling up to my back;
    And six more stumbled over
    To wage their attack.

    Our church group was surrounded
    Our future quite grim;
    Until I croaked out a suggestion
    To good Pastor Jim.

    “The end is quite certain,”
    I said with a frown;
    “But I’d like one more carol
    Before we go down!”

    The zombies were inching
    Getting ready for a fight;
    When our voices sang steady
    Of that first… Silent Night .

    We sang to the rooftops
    We sang to the rafter;
    Not caring a whit
    For what might happen… after.

    I waited each minute
    For a crunch or a bite;
    For the gnawing to start
    On this non -Silent night.

    But the zombies stood still
    And drooled on their feet;
    As our singing and caroling
    To them was... quite sweet.

    The song it did end
    And the zombies all clapped;
    Sue Briggs tried to run –
    In no time she was trapped.

    Before we could sing
    Before we could try;
    They ripped her to pieces
    And sucked her bones dry.

    We all stood there trembling
    As they wallowed in gore;
    Until I haltingly suggested
    That we best sing… one more !

    With each Christmas carol
    The zombies they sighed;
    But each time we stopped
    The next caroler died!

    We sang and we sang
    That long Christmas day;
    Until the last zombie
    Just… drifted away.

    “We still have three songs left,”
    The last caroler said.
    Then I looked all around
    To find my friends… dead.

    The street was quite empty
    The town deadly still;
    I stepped on a finger
    It gave me a chill!

    I wandered for hours
    Until it was night;
    And found no survivors
    Nope, not one in sight.

    On the far edge of town
    I heard quite a grumbling;
    Like the groaning and retching
    Of a hundred stomachs rumbling.

    I still had my elf cap
    Fixed tight to my head;
    As I approached the zombie gathering
    With fear and with dread.

    They stood there and waited
    Gore stuck in their teeth;
    As I crept up toward them
    As neat as a thief.

    I stood there before them
    And sang Oh, Christmas Tree ;
    Though each inch of my body
    Wanted to flee.

    They smiled and shuffled
    They burped and passed gas;
    But no mattered how hard I tried
    They would not let me pass.

    I settled in and gave them
    The show of the year;
    Grinning and smiling
    In spite of my fear.

    Their bellies were hungry
    But the carols were soothing;
    Even if my neighbors’ bones
    They were chomping and toothing.

    I wasn’t afraid
    Oh no sir, not me;
    I sang without falter
    I sang loud… with glee.

    I knew I’d be safe
    From this living dead throng;
    At least until I came
    To the very last song…

Story Art Cover
    By Mark Pascale

    For my brother Jay, and for Samantha

    Author Bio
    Jamie Freeman ( ) is a part-time writer with a full-time day job. He dabbles in genre fiction (horror, scifi, erotica and romance), reads obsessively, knows every musical theater lyric ever written, and watches more movies in a year than he can count. He has an empathic younger brother with whom he shares an eerie psychic link.

Zombies We Have Heard on High
    By Jamie Freeman

    When my father won his second Oscar, he

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