The Undead That Saved Christmas Vol. 2

The Undead That Saved Christmas Vol. 2 by ed. Lyle Perez-Tinics

Book: The Undead That Saved Christmas Vol. 2 by ed. Lyle Perez-Tinics Read Free Book Online
Authors: ed. Lyle Perez-Tinics
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    Molly was slumped to the floor, sobbing, her new doll in a heap on the floor.
    Ryan had dropped the bat and stood in front of the window, wide-eyed, staring out.
    Mom and Dad were still standing frozen in shock, trying to comprehend what just happened. Eventually they snapped out of it and realized they needed to do something to secure their home.
    “We need to cover that window with something,” said Dad. “Here, help me with the bookshelf.”
    Dad and Mom each grabbed an end of the bookshelf, knocking most of the books off in the process, while the children watched.
    “Well that takes care of one window, but what about the others?” Mom asked.
    “Before we do anything we need to find out what’s going on and come up with a plan,” replied Dad.
    “My dolly is okay!” Molly interrupted.
    “Not now, Molly,” Dad sighed impatiently.
    “Daddy, she’s alive! She’s walking and everything!”
    “I said not now, Molly!” He snapped.
    Suddenly he felt a sharp pain on his ankle. He glanced down and saw Molly’s new doll attached to his ankle. Streams of blood flowed onto his foot. He didn’t understand what was happening until the doll lifted its head up and he gazed into its gleaming glass eyes. They were staring right into his eyes – and they were malevolent. Then the doll turned its attention back to his ankle and he felt it tear the flesh from his bone like it was eating a drumstick.
    “AHHHHHHHHHHH!” Dad screamed in agony. He tried to kick the doll off his ankle, but she clamped on.
    “Honey, what’s wrong?” Mom asked, terrified.
    Then she saw a doll chewing on her husband’s ankle like it was the Christmas turkey.
    She rushed over and yanked the doll off her husband’s ankle, receiving a bite on her forearm in the process.
    “Ow!” She yelled, dropping the doll to the floor. “What’s going on here? We bought the doll from Child’s Play ?”
    Mom glanced at Dad. He didn’t look so hot. His skin was a ghostly white and sweat was pouring down his forehead, as if he had been caught in a downpour.
    She ran to the washroom to grab the first aid kit, when suddenly she felt sick. She dropped to her knees and clutched her stomach.
    Ryan and Molly stared in horror at their parents, unsure of what to do.
    Eventually Mom and Dad stopped sweating and writhing in agony. They had blank looks in their eyes and lurched toward their children.
    “Mom?Dad?” Molly said, apprehensive.
    “Molly, they’re zombies now. RUN!” Ryan shouted, while grabbing his little sister’s hand and running into the washroom.
    “Princess Penelope! Ryan and Molly are in trouble!” Angel screeched over the Walkie-Talkie.
    “What’s wrong?” Princess Penelope replied.
    “Something’s wrong with Mom and Dad. They’re acting crazy!”
    “They’re attacking the kids! Get down here! We have to save them!”
    “We’re on our way.”
    While Mom and Dad pounded on the washroom door, Angel climbed down the Christmas tree. When she reached the bottom, she realized she forgot about one small detail: the new doll.
    It pounced on her as soon as her feet hit the floor. She didn’t even have time to scream as it bit into her skull, leaving a gaping hole in the side of her head. It chewed noisily and quickly, eager to get the next bite into its bloated belly.
    The doll was too busy feasting on Angel to see what was behind it.
    Princess Penelope quietly walked up behind it and drove the pointed end of a jack into the doll’s skull. It collapsed on top of Angel.
    Princess Penelope shoved the dead doll aside so she could see Angel.
    “Oh Angel, what has she done to you?” She sobbed and walked away, unable to look at her.
    Most of her head was missing –her mouth and chin remained – and that was more than enough.
    The toys saw that Mom and Dad had broken down the bathroom door, and hurried over to try to help the kids.
    They scratched at their feet and ankles with their jacks and toy swords, but that did

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