The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes

The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes by Nzingha Keyes Page B

Book: The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes by Nzingha Keyes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nzingha Keyes
Tags: Drama, Fantasy, love triangle, High School, demons, love, teenage
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    “What’s going on today?” Her mom asked.
    “I don’t know, you tell me,” She asked.
    “Nothing until later, go and hang out with
your friends for a few hours, it’s a nice day outside,” She said
and then walked out the room.
    Amethyst pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and
a blouse and a black tie with little skulls all over it. “Hello my
jewel!” Christophe says as he lands on her bed.
    “Holy crap!” She squeaks and spins around to
button up her shirt.
    “Happy birthday, kid” he laughs.
    “II’m not a kid! I’m just a year younger than
you!” she said.
    “Until July 11 th , that is,” he
    “Come on, Alex and Alias are outside waiting
for us,” he says. They both fly down from the window. “Look up in
that tree over there! We built you a tree house!” Alex yells.
    “Happy birthday! It was my idea!” Alex
beamed. She looked up at the huge tree in the middle of the
    “Where is it?” She asked.
    “It’s hidden with a charm I had made,” Alias
said looking down at his feet. Alias has been acting weird ever
since that day of school. He’s been acting all shy and more awkward
than usual. Then again, I guess that the whole me going out with
his brother thing is a step in itself to deal with so…I guess it
will take time until were back to whatever we used to call
normal. They phase up into the tree and then are inside the
tree house full of comic books and posters.
    “That’s so freaking cool!!! Thanks Alex!” she
exclaims. Then there was this dizzying noise and crippling
    “You okay? You look flushed” Christophe asked
distracted by something but Amethyst could only hear her heartbeat
pounding in her ears and then her head hitting the wood floor.
    Snow, snow, snowing. The forest covered in a
blanket of white and I’m so hot. I’m laying in the snow looking up
at the sky and I can’t see anything worth it and then I’m being
buried in snow. Then, there are prickles on my skin that go from a
tickle to a stabbing pain and then the sky flashes bright and the
burying stops and the burning stops and I’m standing and everything
is brighter and clearer and I feel stronger but I’m crying so hard
even though I feel myself smiling. My head hurt so bad and I’m not
talking and can’t make any noise and I wish I could because I would
scream until somebody heard me, until I burst my eardrums, until
whatever the ache that I wish I couldn’t feel began to melt away. I
see Christophe lying on the ground.
    “ You can have my heart,” he says
    “ What?” I don’t understand what he’s
talking about.
    “ You will die without it, take my heart…I
don’t need it” Christophe smiles at me but it still makes no sense
and then I see him pick a box cutter out his pocket and gash an X
into his chest which is bare and wet with snow and now
    “ I don’t need that! What makes you think I
need that!?” I yell but I feel my eyes burn at the sight and it
tempts me.
    “ Your eyes…and Alias…and I- don’t deserve
to-to-be here. I’m a waste of a second chance, at least if I give
my heart to you; I know that it won’t go to waste” He sighs,
letting the blood rush from him. I lick at the wound with tears
streaming down my face and then…black. When I looked back there
were bone and the clothes I had put on this morning were covered in
blood and there was this insane taste on my tongue and I laid back
in the snow and there was no more hurt for a moment and the snow
melted when I laid upon i. Then I saw Alex, crying and Alias
staring blankly between me and the skeleton and I realized what I
had done but I couldn’t cry or talk but I knew I felt sorry or…that
I should but…I couldn’t, I didn’t. I mean..I loved him, didn’t I? I
ruined a family and took a life, right? And then Alex said,
    “ What happened to the superhero?! I warned
you! I knew it was a bad idea!” He screamed. I stared at him and
then looked toward Alias,
    “ I

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