of the water, forgetting she had poured it for me. “That can be dangerous, Madison. This Conrad guy runs his own company. He’s the pro. He may not have appreciated you working outside your job description. People get very territorial about these things. Office politics—it’s a drag.”
“I know,” I said, “but it was such a good idea; I had to share it. If you want the apple, you have to shake the tree.”
“Sounds sexy,” Annie said, smiling with encouragement, trying to calm my nerves. “So how did he respond?”
“The reply he sent was very short. I didn’t have time to process it because Ms. Goldstein found me and said we needed to talk.”
“That’s the problem when exs work together; if they don’t hate each other, they gang up on others.”
“They didn’t gang up on me,” I said, taking the glass from Annie. My throat was so dry, it hurt. “I mean, they did, but it wasn’t bad. Conrad was waiting in the meeting room. He loved the idea. He was really impressed, so much so that Ms. Goldstein wants me to help organize the launch. I’ll be voting on important decisions. I’m still her assistant, but I’ll be part of the product launch team.”
It was a good thing I set the water glass down, because in an instant Annie tackled me on my side of the couch. “Madison, that’s great news!” she said, hugging me.
“Thanks,” I said, finding it hard to smile.
Annie notice. “Why so glum?”
“I’m not glum. Not at all. I’m just nervous. This is a huge deal. I’m not sure I’m ready. If I mess it up, I’ll never get another chance to prove my worth to the company. And I’m a little worried that it’ll cause a strain between Russell and me. He’s not even allowed to advance in the company for another three years. This is my first week on the job, and already I’m on the team for the next launch.”
“Russell. You told me about him. The CEO’s nephew, right?”
“Forget him. His situation has nothing to do with you. He knows the rules. Just because he’s stuck in his desk doesn’t mean you have to be stuck in yours.”
“True,” I said, feeling better. At least about Russell. My nerves regarding the launch were not likely going to go away anytime soon.
Annie tackled me again. “I’m not letting go until you promise to let me into the launch. I want to go meet all the celebrities you plan to invite.”
Celebrities had been a part of the proposal. Pop scientists to appeal to the astronomy hobbyists. And pop stars to appeal to the kids. All would walk down a blue carpet—one lined with media if all went to plan. It would be a party centered around stargazing, a double innuendo.
“Can you imagine if Justin Bieber showed up?” Annie dreamed, her eyes sparkling. “Then every girl around the world would want a 3D telescope.”
“That’s not such a bad thing,” I mused. “It’ll support the numerous campaigns to encourage more females into the sciences.”
“It was my idea! Now you have to let me into the party.”
“I’m sure I can find a way,” I said, putting her out of her misery. “Maybe you can be a coat girl. You can even keep the tips.”
“I’ll be the best damn coat girl there ever was. But don’t hold it against me if, at the end of the night, you find me cuddled into Rihanna’s jacket.”
I snickered. “I think Rihanna is above the launch.”
The doorbell to the apartment rang.
“That’s strange,” I said. “Who do you think it is?” Our friends always texted before they came over.
“Probably Luke wondering why the hell you bailed on him,” Annie said.
I was horrified. “I don’t think so, do you? I already sent him a text apologizing.”
“Relax,” she said, standing. “I was only joking. Luke is too shy to call up here when he’s sober. But just in case he’s hit the vodka early, I’ll answer so I can send him away.”
Mortified, I curled into the side of the couch and threw a blanket over my head, hoping
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