The Trail Master's Bride

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Book: The Trail Master's Bride by Maddie Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maddie Taylor
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pillow and muffled the sounds of her tears.
    * * *
    As they always did, Weston’s eyes popped open well before daybreak. After years spent on the trail, he was used to getting little sleep, rising early and taking first watch in the wee hours of the morning. Tonight, someone else had kindly volunteered. He stretched, his body brushing up against the warm softness of the one by his side.
    Exhausted when he came to bed last night, he was afraid he wouldn’t have the patience or control to make their first time together all that it should be for her. That wasn’t the case now. The few hours of shuteye had refreshed him and as was usual upon waking in the mornings, his body was hard and ready. Ordinarily, he had no choice except to ignore it, a trip to the creek cooling his need and discomfort. But he was married now, to a spirited beauty with enough curves to tempt a saint, so self-denial was no longer necessary. And he for damn sure wasn’t a saint.
    He rolled toward her, his hand finding her hip in the dark as he molded his long body against her back. Feeling the thickness of her skirts and her long-sleeved blouse, he smiled. The silly woman had gone to bed fully dressed. He lifted a foot, grinning when he encountered her shoes. Her hair lay in a long, thick braid over her shoulder. Uncoiling the knot she always wore low at the back of her head appearing to be the lone concession she’d allowed for her comfort.
    Curious about its texture, his fingers followed the plait to its end and pulled off the ribbon tie. He then worked through the twisted locks until it was undone and he could run his fingers through the bounty that flowed in thick waves down her back. Naturally, the next step was to bury his face in the silky mass and breathe her in, which he did without reservation.
    His cock twitched, filling and lengthening further. This wasn’t unusual around Mina, except this time, it was much worse. Knowing she was his made him more than hard, it made him yearn for her, the ache of which grew nearly unbearable as his length pressed uncomfortably against his button fly. He had to have her.
    Brushing her hair off her neck, he nuzzled her warm skin, kissing the soft spot beneath her ear. The hand at her hip moved in front until his arm encircled her waist. Reflexively it tightened and pulled her closer.
    “Time to wake up, Mina.” His low murmur was no more than a whisper in her ear.
    She stirred briefly, then settled back, a soft snore escaping her lips.
    Finding it adorable, he chuckled.
    “Darlin’,” he persisted, urging her to wakefulness once again. This time she woke, sleepily turning to him.
    “Is it time to get up already?”
    “Not just yet.” He shifted a bit, rolling her onto her back. His lips returned to her sweet skin, this time finding the softness of her throat just above her collar. “I thought to have our wedding night, while it’s still night.”
    His hand moved up the flat of her belly to rest beneath a breast, curling around the lower curve as his lips traveled to her jaw, then over to her lips that were parted slightly. Taking that as an invitation, he propped on an elbow and lowered his head, his lips opening over hers, his tongue boldly dipping inside for a long awaited taste.
    He felt her small hands on his chest and heard a whimper from her throat.
    Knowing she was a widow, not a naïve first-time bride, he took it as an amorous response and deepened the kiss. His fingers made quick work of the buttons of her blouse and in no time his hand delved inside her camisole, locating the warmth of the full breast beneath.
    She pulled her mouth away, gasping his name.
    Undeterred, he lowered his head to the treasure he’d bared, capturing her nipple between his hungry lips.
    “Weston!” she repeated. The urgency in her voice brought his head up.
    “What is it? Was I too rough?” His thumb swept over the wetness of her nipple, watching. He didn’t think he’d been too demanding,

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