The Torn, Book One of the Holding Kate Series
of the sun on fresh fallen snow it shunted out and blanched the faces of the dragons surrounding me.
    I was the repository of all of their psychic powers. The energy flowed through me in waves of strength and charisma. I was everything. I could sense the whole world we were on. It was vast with kingdoms of landwalkers in the south. I had complete knowledge of every living being. The landwalkers in the cave above were stirring. I could see them, see through their very eyes as they spoke in panicked voices to one another. Every animal, every insect, every tree and flower and weed was a part of me. I was the source of life for everything in this world. I was The Mother.
    I looked out on my children from the throne and saw their pleased faces. The light was renewed in my youth and burned more brightly than they had ever seen. They took great pride in me and new hope was restored in me. The source of power was perfected and rejuvenated. I was the jewel they had mined to give power to their collective consciousness. The prior mother was gone, spent. She had given her last remaining power over to me, the new Mother. I had been mined as a worthy soul, and now I was The Mother of all.

“Why would she go alone?” Trip threw his backpack over his shoulder and cinched it around his waist, then bent down to pick up Kate’s pack.
    “I don’t know. I can hear her but not like before.” Corey closed his eyes in concentration.
    “What do you mean, not like before?”
    “We were connected before.” He tapped his head. “At times we could talk back and forth. I think it was the dragonet.”
    Trip’s face blistered and his brows crashed together. “Great! Just great!”
    Tara whirled Corey around. “You didn’t think that was something we needed to know?”
    “I didn’t.” Corey shrugged his shoulders. “I just thought it was a fluke because I pet the dragonet first.”
    “So you have been reading our minds too?” Ash seemed very confused by everything.
    “No!” Corey jerked back agitated. “Well, once.” He ducked his head and cast sheepish eyes to Tara and Trip.
    They noticed and squared off shoulder to shoulder, arms across their chests glaring down at him.
    “Tripoli.” Corey murmured.
    “You saw that?”
    “Saw what?” Ash’s gazed ping-ponged back and forth.
    “Yeah, we all did.”
    “Kate, Me, the dragonet…”
    “Crap! Corey!”
    “I know, I know…now that I think about it, it was something you needed to know. I just didn’t think Kate would do anything this…this…”
    “Bold.” Trip finished for him.
    “Yeah, it seems out of character.”
    “You are idiots!” Tara stormed. “Couldn’t you tell that dragonet was manipulating her? I don’t even like her and I could tell.”
    Trip jerked his head around to her. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
    Now Tara looked embarrassed. “Because it was pushing her to choose Corey and intent on trying to split the two of you up.” She gestured to Trip.
    Corey and Trip stared at Tara incredulously.
    “I was okay with that.” She looked down, concentrating on the toe of her boot.
    “Of all the self-serving, narcissistic, manipulative games ever played that has got to be at the top, Tara!” Trip spat on the cave floor. “I thought you were better than that.”
    “Now, hold on, Trip, that was harsh.” Corey placed a comforting hand on Tara’s arm. Her face crumpled in despair at Trip’s words.
    “YOU! Shut it!” Trip stalked across the cave and began picking out the strongest spears. “Arm yourselves. We are going to save her.” He tested the point of the spear he had chosen, and then snapped his eyes at Corey.
    “You too. Don’t expect me to fight your battles for you. If you are too weak to fight for the girl you say you love, then so be it. I will rescue her alone.”
    “No, Trip. Not alone.” Tara grabbed a spear and fell in beside him. “We are partners in battle. I am with you.” She brandished a flashlight that had

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