The Tome of Bill (Book 7): The Wicked Dead
magical black light. I hadn’t even been aware they’d been there until she’d said a quiet incantation. “Remember, Manhattan’s a big place, and public transportation isn’t exactly running at peak schedule.”
    “I know.”
    She let out a breath and both the glow as well as the sigils vanished. “I need to lie down for a bit. Junior’s been kicking the hell out of me this past hour.”
    “I figured you’d like that better than Harry.”
    “It definitely doesn’t make my skin crawl as much.”
    She chuckled softly. “If they’re not back by the time I get up, I can try scrying for them, or Sally at least.”
    “Fair enough.” I turned to leave.
    “Bill,” she called after me. “You’re doing the right thing.”
    “Worrying about them? Why wouldn’t I?”
    “No, letting me come along.”
    I cocked an eyebrow. “You didn’t give me much choice in the matter.”
    “I’m not happy about it.”
    She crossed her arms over her chest and looked away. “I don’t think any of us are.”
    “So are you going to zap Tom?” Following Christy’s winning argument, Tom had insisted that if she was going, then he was as well – completely ignoring everything that had been said about his current lack of faith. Another twenty minutes and he’d worn us down. Even so, that didn’t mean I was cool with it.
    “No. It wouldn’t be fair to him.”
    “Keeping him safe isn’t fair?”
    “The betrayal of trust. I mean, he’s the man I’m planning on spending the rest of my life with. I can’t keep mind-wiping him whenever it’s convenient for me. I think you can understand that.”
    She was right; I could. What she’d just described was essentially how the vast majority of the vampire world handled things – compelling those weaker than them to do as bidden. Speaking of which... “Oh crap. Compulsion.”
    “What about it?” Christy asked, leaning against her door.
    “Getting gutted is only half the danger out there. A vampire even a fraction of Vehron’s age is gonna be able to throw around compulsions like a Frisbee. Me and Sheila are immune. I think Ed might be too, but who knows how things work with him now? You, Sally, and Tom aren’t, though. Hell, I’m pretty sure Tom has some extra susceptibility to them.”
    “You’re not incorrect. I have some mental defenses in place, but enough power can definitely overwhelm them.” A small grin broke out on her face.
    “You do realize that’s not a good thing, right?”
    “I know.”
    “So then why are you smiling?”
    “Because that was going to be another trump card in case you decided to keep standing your ground.”
    “Huh? Not following.”
    “I’m not stupid, Bill. I know that the Destroyer could ensnare our minds, enslave us, force us to surrender without firing a shot.”
    “But ... there is a but, right?”
    “A big one, and not just mine.”
    I held up my hands. “I didn’t say anything.”
    “I know you didn’t, but you’re thinking it and you’re right. Goddess, I can’t wait for this kid to be born so I can get back on the treadmill.”
    “No magical diets?” I teased.
    “Well, maybe a little help from that front.”
    I smiled. It couldn’t be helped. There had been so much doom and gloom the past couple days. It was refreshing to hear someone talk about what they planned to do afterwards. A little positivity could go a long way in times like these. Still... “Okay, so you’re not stupid. Your point?”
    “My point is I’ve been mucking around in Sally’s head – trying to make sense of what Alexander did to her.”
    “I’m well aware.”
    “Are you aware of how unprecedented that is?”
    “For Alex to...”
    “No, for someone else, someone with abilities like mine, to be able to study it up close. No offense, but I’m not just in there unraveling some compelled Gordian Knot. I’ve been taking notes, too.” Her grin broadened as she continued. “Mind magic, the way my people

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