The Third Macabre Megapack

The Third Macabre Megapack by Various Writers Page A

Book: The Third Macabre Megapack by Various Writers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Various Writers
Tags: Horror, dark fantasy, Monster, Ghost
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She seemed badly frightened, too. She said that she had never had such an experience: that she felt that she could not live through another. As she expressed it, she felt that she had been the battle ground where two great forces had met and contended. I soothed her as best I could and sent her home. I did not tell her that I thought that she was right. She was. She was the unconscious medium through which will overcame the forces of nature. This evening she must be the medium through which, in obedience to our will, the Spirit of Arthur Hartley shall speak with us.”
    “Suppose she refuses.”
    “She will obey me, or rather my will,” said Judson quietly. “It’s merely a question of whether it is safe to subject her to the ordeal. But as it will be nothing compared with that she has just been through I shall attempt it, if she is at all able to bear it. I must have that mystery solved.”
    * * * *
    I slept very late that morning and joined the family at the Sunday afternoon dinner; and then went with Judson to the library to smoke.
    “It’s all right,” he said, as soon as we were seated. “She will come this evening.”
    “Will all those other persons be here?” I asked.
    “Oh, no. You and I and the woman only.”
    It was ten o’clock that evening when Judson entered the library, where I sat reading before the glowing grate, and said:
    “She’s here. Come into the parlor.”
    It was with more than ordinary emotions that I followed him. The medium was the only person in the room. The cabinet still stood where it had stood twenty-four hours before. She looked the picture of ill health. Great hollows were beneath the tired eyes, and she moved feebly. She bowed gravely to me, and entered the cabinet. Judson turned the gas down low.
    “If you will remain entirely passive,” he said softly, “I think we shall get the communication without trouble.” There was a calm confidence in his voice, quite different from the intensity of his manner the night before. We sat quietly for many minutes, until I began to grow uneasy. I tried to think of nothing with very poor success, but while I was making the effort strenuously there came from the cabinet a clear, firm voice. Its tones were something like those in which the woman the night before had said: “What do you wish?” but as the voice proceeded it took on a manlier tone, with that indescribable accent we call “English.” These were the words:
    “Since you wish it, I will finish the story of my life on earth. Listen. When I ceased writing in my book on the Albatross it was because I had lost control of my pen, and of my mind as well. I managed to crawl to the deck. Helen was lying motionless in the shadow of the companion hatch. I threw myself down by her side. She put out her hand and grasped mine, and a flush crossed her face. I was too weak to speak, and thus hand in hand we lay for I don’t know how long. Gradually I lost consciousness, perhaps in sleep. At all events, my spirit was not free. The frail body still had strength enough to retain it. I was aroused by something dropping on my face. As consciousness came back I saw that the sky had become overcast; that a cool breeze was blowing, and that a gentle rain was falling. Helen was sitting erect and with parted lips drinking in the grateful rain-laden air. I tried to rise, but could not. She was much stronger than I, and at my direction went below and brought blankets and clothes, which she spread on the deck that they might catch the falling drops. She seemed quite vigorous, and already I felt my own strength coming back. Soon she was able to squeeze water from a blanket into a small can which stood by the mast. We were in too great agony of thirst to think of small matters of neatness. She offered the can to me.
    “‘Drink, yourself, Helen,’ I said.
    “‘No,’ she answered, with a smile. ‘No, you need it most.’ And kneeling by my side, she slipped her arm under my head, and with her

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