The Tempest

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Book: The Tempest by Charlotte Hawkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Hawkins
Tags: Romance, Historical
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you?” Now she turned to face him, unable to help herself.
    He smirked. “Judging from what occurred just a short while ago, I do not believe you would mind it.”
    I would not mind it, she thought . I would give anything to be with you. I want to be with you…Oh Lord, how much!
    She wanted to tell him so. She was but a moment from throwing herself into his arms, pleading with him to kiss her as he had before, to press his strong and solid body against hers once again…and only one thought kept her from seeking his arms.
    “I cannot abandon my father. I will not abandon him.”
    His response was a careless shrug. “Perhaps I can find him a position as a servant in my household.”
    She eyed him with a cynical expression.
    “You would make him a servant, and let him suffer utter humiliation? Do you not think your other servants would talk about him, whispering that his daughter lies with the master of the house?” She shook her head stubbornly. “I will not dishonor him in that way.”
    He let out an angry breath, the sound almost a growl. He reached out to take her by both arms, holding her firmly, pulling her tight against his body.
    “Your willfulness is infuriating. And you should consider yourself fortunate. If I was inclined to force you to my will, you would not have the power to stop me.”
    Bringing her gaze up, she looked directly into his fierce eyesand behind that angry light shining there, she could see something else.
    He is not capable of violence against me. In her heart, she knew it was the truth. And yet, she knew he was not yet able to admit such a vulnerability. His pride kept him from it. And in handling him, a touch of defiance was still needed.
    “If you force yourself on me, you will not find the conquest you seek. To take me that way is to have only my physical being. My heart and soul are mine to give or keep as I choose.”
    A long moment passed, rife with tension. Then she felt his grip loosen. He released her, and slowly he turned away, silently moving to the chair in the corner. For several moments she watched him, wondering if he would look at her or say something. But he was still and silent. So she turned back to her bread making…until a faint noise from outside caught her ear.
    “Did you hear that?”
    He didn’t answer. Turning towards the door she strained her ears to listen, and a sudden fear gripped her when she realized there were several voices coming from outside…and they did not sound friendly.
    “Bandits,” she said, more to herself than anyone else. But Guy must have caught what she said, for he rose from his seat and came near.
    “Bandits?” he said, looking skeptical. “What would thieves find here to steal?”
    “Whatever they please,” she answered. “Our chickens, our geese, our milking goats. Anything that might fetch even a small price.” She snatched up a heavy iron skillet from the table. “I must go out there and stop them.”
    He reached out and gripped her arm. “Are you out of your mind? Do you think a woman with a cooking pan is any match for determined criminals?”
    “My father is out there and I will not let him come to harm!”
    For a few moments he simply looked at her, saying nothing. And then he pulled her back, away from the door. A determined look was in his eyes, and she watched as he disappeared into the sick room for a moment. When he came back, her eye moved to his hand…which the handle of a long, shining dagger.
    “Stay here. Do not come outside, do you understand?”
    Thinking only of her father, she ignored his demand instantly and stepped forward to follow him…until he pushed her against the wall and held her there.
    “DO AS I SAY!”
    His demand was so fierce, so powerful, that she was stunned into silence. She could only nod slightly, watching as he went out the door.
    Drunkards .
The sound was not dificult to discern. Probably it was some neighboring peasants who had tipped back too much ale. Now they were

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