The Teacher's Billionaire

The Teacher's Billionaire by Christina Tetreault Page A

Book: The Teacher's Billionaire by Christina Tetreault Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Tetreault
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Callie’s hands tentatively settle on his shoulders.
    Putting his arms around her waist, Dylan gently tugged her up against his body. Deepening their kiss, he teased her lips with his tongue until she opened for him.
    For him the outside world seemed to fade away. The only thing things he was aware of were the sweet taste of lemonade that lingered on her lips and the feel of her body next to his. Slowly he moved his hand up her slender body and buried his hands in her silky dark hair.
    The rumble of thunder and sudden flash of light rudely yanked Dylan back to reality. Pulling back he dropped his hands to her shoulders and tried to get himself back under control. His heart pounded, his breathing was heavy, and his body yelled for release.
    Jesus, what the hell just happened?
    He’d kissed plenty of women, desired plenty too. Yet he’d never felt quite like this before, like he’d just run a marathon. And it had only been a kiss.
    Say something.
    Usually so charming with women, Dylan found himself at a loss for words.
    Anything, Talbot. Don’t just stand here.
    She wasn’t looking at him, but rather studying a spot just over his left shoulder. Her lips were red from his kiss, a light pink blush crept all the way down her neck, and her hair was starting to fall free of its customary ponytail. At that moment Dylan thought she was the sexiest woman he’d ever met.
    Outside he heard the rain pelting against the windows and the older glass rattled under the assault. It was the only sound in the too quiet room.
    “I’m...” Dylan began but stopped. Apologizing didn’t seem right. He wasn’t sorry he’d kissed her. At least not sorry in the way she might take it. It had been an incredible kiss, but it could also complicate an already complicated situation.
    “Are you okay?” he asked instead.
    Chewing on her bottom lip, something he noticed she did when nervous, Callie nodded. “Don’t you know I always make out with guys in my kitchen after I feed them?”
    While she answered him with a straight face, he knew she was joking to make light of the situation. During their outing in Newport, he’d seen evidence of a very dry and quirky sense of humor.
    “Maybe I should start coming over for dinner more often then.” He meant the response to be more easygoing banter to lighten the atmosphere. Unfortunately, it didn’t come out that way. Instead of laughing and coming up with a great comeback as he expected, she pulled away from him and resumed cleaning.
    Afraid he would make matters worse, Dylan silently helped her finish cleaning off the table and load the dishwasher.
    Now what?
He couldn’t leave after that. Somehow he needed to smooth things over. Make things comfortable between them again if he planned on holding up his end of the bargain with Phillips. How though? He didn’t have a clue. Dylan was out of his element where this woman was concerned. She was so different from the women he usually spent time with. Throw in the fact that she was Warren’s daughter and hell - he was drowning.
    “Dinner was delicious. Thank you.” His mind worked a mile a minute trying to figure out the right thing to say. “If it’s okay I’d like to do it again sometime.” Both the dinner and the kiss he thought. He continued on before she could respond. “Would it be okay if I call you this week?”
    Callie didn’t answer at first. And Dylan wondered what was going through her mind. He could almost see the wheels turning. Finally after what seemed like a lifetime, she gave him a tentative smile. “Umm. Sure. If you want. I’ll be around. No place to be except work.”
    Her response pleased him. A lot. More than it should have.
Time to make your exit, Talbot
Before you do something stupid. Like kiss her again.
    “Good. I’ll talk to you soon then.”

Chapter 7
    It was just a kiss
. Okay, it had been an incredible kiss, but still it was just a kiss. And not the first kiss she’d ever had.
    Who was she trying to kid,

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