The Suns of Liberty: Legion: A Superhero Novel

The Suns of Liberty: Legion: A Superhero Novel by Michael Ivan Lowell Page A

Book: The Suns of Liberty: Legion: A Superhero Novel by Michael Ivan Lowell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Ivan Lowell
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known to—”
         “I’ve tested them, and they have no effect on the
serums,” Leslie said.
         “Why don’t you just make them standard issue?” Ward
glanced around at the newly refurbished lab Leslie and her people had at their
disposal. “Why just me? If these things can really disable any computerized
machinery, they’d be useful to anyone. To everyone.”
         “You know the answer to that.”
         ‘Too expensive.”
         “Sure, there’s that. But we also can’t get the
materials in to Boston. Your little cuff darts just happen to be perfect. The
design mod was simple.” Leslie shook her head. “They’re yours, Dr. Ward. You’re
going to need them.”
         Ward shrugged. Clearly not going to get out of this
one. If Leslie wanted it, these new “Disabling Darts” were going into the suit.
         Leslie pressed a button on one of her many computer consoles
in the room, and a small section of the wall to their right opened up. Inside
was a new version of Ward’s Spider Wasp suit. Or as he liked to call it, his
bug suit.
         “We’ve made some other modifications. This new suit is
twice as tough as it was before the last upgrade. It’s also got servos in all
the joints to add some strength for you. I’ve built in a face shield that will
automatically come down in times of extreme temperature, water, or gun fire.”
         “Face shield? Is it bullet proof?”
         “Yes. Up to at least .50 caliber.”
         Ward shrugged again. He had to admit, given what he’d
already gone up against as a member of the Suns, a little added security wasn’t
a bad idea.
         Actually, it was reassuring, now that he’d given in.
He’d been prepared to be irritated, but instead he was feeling kind of
         “We just don’t know what you’re going to go up against
in there, man or machine.  I’d expect both. This is the headquarters of the Freedom
Council.” Leslie took in a deep breath. Let it out. “I don’t think you should
be going at all, but the General is unwavering and I am not going to stand in
his way.”
         Had COR actually debated this move? “I’m sure you
could stop it if you wanted to,” he said.
         Leslie seemed to think her reply over carefully before
she answered. “We all know the risks of allowing them to keep the chamber. I
just wish there was another way.”
         “Well, maybe I should just focus on taking out the
Guards and Sophia should be the one to take out the machines.”
         “We can’t be sure what kind of machines are there. It
was a machine that killed John, remember. What if they have Spores waiting on
you all?”
         John Bailey. The legendary Saratoga. His death at the
hands of the Spores had been a particularly devastating blow to the Suns. Ward
had barely gotten to know the man before he died, and now, seeing everyone’s
prolonged mourning over his passing just accentuated what a blow it was to lose
         And that made Leslie’s point pretty stark. If the
great Saratoga couldn’t withstand them, what chance had he against something
like a Spore? Not much. Spores could be sent around the world to kill or
destroy almost anything or anyone.
         And then there was Hunley, aka Ramsey Hollis—the superman
of the sea. Another machine had killed him. Yep, hanging around the Suns meant
you needed protection from killer, evil, blood-thirsty robots. Disabling
Darts, check.
          Ward just shrugged again.
thanked Leslie and asked to be excused.
         The truth was he just wanted to rest. To be alone and
drown in his thoughts. She had two young doctors on staff take him to his new
quarters.  It was his home anytime he was there. Anytime he wanted it. An indication
that they had room to spare now. The freeing of Boston had been good to them.
No more cramped spaces.         
         Local members had returned to family—very

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