The Stone of Sadness (An Olivia Miller Mystery Book 3)

The Stone of Sadness (An Olivia Miller Mystery Book 3) by J A Whiting Page B

Book: The Stone of Sadness (An Olivia Miller Mystery Book 3) by J A Whiting Read Free Book Online
Authors: J A Whiting
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It’s too close to what you’ve recently been through.”
    Olivia looked away from Jackie. The bartender caught her eye and waved his hand to call her over. “The bartender is waving to me.”
    Jackie turned her head. “What’s he want?”
    “I’ll go find out. Be right back.”
    “Say ‘no’ if he asks you out,” Jackie said.
    Olivia chuckled. “I think I’m a bit young for him.”
    Glenn, Robin, and Tom had moved away from the bar and were sitting at a table near the far wall with some other friends. Olivia approached the bar.
    “What’s up?” Olivia asked.
    “I heard you talking about Kenny Overman. You seemed interested in knowing what happened to his father. I know he’s in a nursing home over in Worcester.”
    “How do you know?”
    “My father-in-law’s in the same place. I saw Overman there. He doesn’t look too good. I thought I’d let you know.”
    “Thanks,” Olivia told him. “What’s the name of the place?”
    The bartender wrote the name of the nursing home on a bar coaster. Olivia took it, put it in her pocket, returned to her table, and reported to Jackie.
    “I’m going to go to the nursing home and talk to him. Maybe I can find out where Kenny is.”
    “Why bother driving out there?” Jackie asked. “Overman wasn’t right in the head back forty years ago. He must be in great shape now. Probably can’t even string a few words together. He probably doesn’t even know who Kenny is anymore.”
    “I guess I’ll find out.”
    Jackie narrowed her eyes. “Olivia, why don’t you give up on this? Now isn’t the right time for you to go investigating. Take some time for yourself. Forget about the murders. ”
    Olivia had a faraway look on her face as she traced the condensation on the outside of her glass with her finger. She thought of her cousins’ smiling faces on the front page of the old newspaper and a heaviness settled around her heart.
    “I don’t think I can do that,” she responded.

Chapter 17
    Olivia dragged herself out of bed when Lily’s wet nose gave her a poke. Even though she had installed the air conditioner in the bedroom, she had tossed and turned during the night and did not feel rested at all. If not for the dog, she would have stayed in bed until noon.
    Olivia and Lily took a long walk around the neighborhood before returning for breakfast. Olivia showered and put on a light-weight floral summer dress. She pulled her hair into a high ponytail, grabbed her keys and the bar coaster with the address written on it.
    She steered her Jeep to the highway and even though the early morning was hazy and hot, she kept the windows down and didn’t turn on the air conditioning, preferring the breeze rushing through the car windows. Olivia had no idea what she was going to find at the nursing home. Probably, nothing.
    After forty-five minutes of highway driving, she pulled off the exit and turned right onto Salisbury Street. She traveled several miles along tree-lined streets through suburban neighborhoods and then turned onto West Street. She took a left into a driveway marked by a small sign indicating the Manor Senior Living Community. The place was well-landscaped with flower beds and brick walkways winding throughout the property. There were several two story buildings spread over the campus. Olivia followed the signs to the nursing portion of the community. She parked and walked along a stone pathway that led to the front door. The place filled Olivia with a sense of despair and for a moment she was sorry she had made the trip.
    Olivia opened the door and stepped into the foyer. A plump middle-aged receptionist smiled at her. “Hello. Can I help you?”
    The place was furnished with cherry furniture and sofas and chairs of muted shades of green and peach. Matching swags framed the windows. The wood floors were shiny and clean. Huge windows looked over the lawns and gardens. There was a small vase of fresh flowers on the desk. Olivia understood how costly a

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