The Stolen Valkyrie: Broken Bonds (Part One) (Fantasy Erotic Romance Novelette)

The Stolen Valkyrie: Broken Bonds (Part One) (Fantasy Erotic Romance Novelette) by Ana Meadows Page A

Book: The Stolen Valkyrie: Broken Bonds (Part One) (Fantasy Erotic Romance Novelette) by Ana Meadows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ana Meadows
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Mistress, not to mention one of such high status, were concerned. The men disentangled themselves from their partners and joined their Chief. None of them dared mention anything regarding their Grand Mistress’ behavior to Johan.
    Back at the garden, the clanswomen respectfully averted their eyes and acted as if all was well between their Chief and Grand Mistress. It was not the first time nor would it be the last time that the couple loudly discussed traditional roles. Long ago, the women had grown accustomed to Mistress Asta’s defiant spirit.
    Some had even attempted to mimic her fiery nature. Many warriors had towered over their mates, demanding due respect. Within months, those same females would normally grow large with a babe.
    The women knew she could fight with the strength of a man, was a superb hunter, and held no hesitation when going up against an errant male. Tani, Asta’s only friend who was waiting to be paired with a bond mate, settled onto her knees beside Asta and whispered, “I know ye are going to leave after we finish. Please do not be foolish, Grand Mistress. Ye know ye will anger him.”
    “Pshhh! Let him be mad for a change. I am tired of being angry for the both of us.” With a sideway nudge at Tani, Asta added, “I told ye to stop calling me Grand Mistress.”
    Asta felt safe with Tani. She could show her belligerence. Her friend would understand. Every day, Asta watched the warriors go have fun on their hunts while the women did drudgery work within the village. Since Johan had chosen her as his Grand Mistress, knowing that denying the bond with a Chief was unheard of, she had rapidly entrusted Tani with her opinions.
    Trying to understand Asta was no easy task. Tani watched the dry earth soak up a bit of their meager supply while whispering, “Come and help me get more water.”
    Away from the ears of their fellow clanswomen, Tani tried again, “Asta, I know ye care deeply for our Grand Chief Johan. Why must ye test him so?”
    Dipping the clay pot into the stream, Asta sighed as she reflected on her relationship with Johan over the years, “I do care but…” She turned her face away, hiding her pensiveness, “He is slow to understand some things about me.”
    “Have ye not spoken of such things with him?”
    Asta knew Tani meant well but since her friend was young and lacked a partner, thought her ignorant on the matter of bonding and mating. Shaking her head dismissively, Asta answered, “Worry not for us, my friend. All will be well. Now, help me finish so that I may have a moment to myself.”
    Ignoring Tani’s loud sigh of defeat, Asta rose and began collecting the colorful crumbly minerals near the water’s edge. A celebratory monthly feast was scheduled to welcome two males who had just entered adulthood. They would officially become warriors after tonight. One of them had his eye on Tani.
    Glancing over, Asta tried to draw her into conversation about him, “Nikoli made enough arrows to kill a herd.”
    Tani shrugged, playing it off, “’Tis his right. He enjoys the work.”
    Asta studied her, “He will bring ye back something. I’m sure of it.”
    Tani lowered her head but not before Asta saw her blush. Smiling, Asta nudged her with an elbow, “I will speak with Johan, Master Johan, if ye want.”
    Tani shook her head. In truth, mating scared her. She had seen many clanswomen die in childbirth. She and Nikoli spoke often. He seemed to want to bond faster than she did. Tani still did not know how she felt about him. She knew, of all the warriors, he was the most handsome and kind.
    Thinking along those lines, Tani’s face heated. Asta asked, “Will ye mark him tonight?”
    Tani’s gaze fell to the colorful minerals in her hand. Marking Nikoli with the sign of the phoenix could wait until next month. She shook her head and breathed, “Next moon phase, I might.”
    “Why do ye

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