The Spymaster's Protection

The Spymaster's Protection by S A Monk Page A

Book: The Spymaster's Protection by S A Monk Read Free Book Online
Authors: S A Monk
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to his face, she inquired after him.
    “I'm fine; just a nick or two. Nothing life threatening,"
he reassured her, staring at her with an equal measure of concern. “And you,
Gabrielle? Are you hurt?”
    She realized it was the first time he had used her given name,
and liked the way it flowed over his tongue. She assured him she was unhurt,
though she was shaking so hard, her voice uttered the words in broken cadence.
    Lucien opened his arms to her in silent invitation, and she
stepped into them without a moment’s hesitation. They closed around her with
fierce tenderness as she huddled against him.
    Beneath the white wool of his surcoat, she felt the heat and
solidity of him. She pressed her face against his heart and heard its strong
steady rhythm. Gradually, her fear ebbed away, leaving her aware of a multitude
of pleasurable sensations.
    Gabrielle had never experienced physical pleasure from a man.
The way she felt in this Templar’s arms was an entirely new sensation, a heady
one at that. Treacherous thoughts of what it might feel like to have his large
hands stroking over her seeped into her mind. She didn’t want to step out of
his arms, but she knew she must before she did something stupid and dangerous,
like invite further intimacy.
    “This is the second time God has answered my plea for help
with you, Brother de Aubric,” she said, more than a little awestruck by the
realization. “I’m not sure what to make of this.”
    Her nervous laugh was matched by the deep husky timbre of his
much earthier chuckle. “I do not know what to make of this, either, mi’lady,
but it seems fate has chosen me to act as your guardian. I cannot say that I
    Gabrielle caught his hand and saw that his leather gloves had
been sliced by her attacker’s knife. Beneath, his knuckles were bleeding. She
immediately pulled the long sleeve of her gown over their scraped surface. “I
definitely do not mind, frère. I believe I would be dead twice over, if not for
your timely intervention. Again, I thank you, and yet it seems so little.”
    “Come.” Lucien put a hand to the small of her back and urged
her toward his horse. “I will see you safely home.”
    Once seated behind him, Gabrielle answered his questions about
what had happened. “My guards and the slaves carrying my litter vanished into
the dark as if someone had snatched them into the air. I saw no sign of them
anywhere. It is most troubling, and I am not given to flights of fancy.”
    “I think the whole incident was well planned. That man who
attacked you was an assassin; one of Rashid Sinan’s fanatical followers. They
do not roam the streets of Jerusalem at night without purpose.”
    “My God!” Gabrielle felt her world tilt. She knew about the
infamous Syrian assassin sect. Who in the Levant did not? “Once paid, they do
not stop pursuit until their victim has been killed. I have heard Reynald talk
of them. Their fee is very great. Someone must truly want me dead.”
    “I wish that you did not have to know this, lady, but it is
best that you do, so that you will be on constant guard.”
    Lucien felt her grip on his waist tighten. Pressed so close,
he could feel her renewed trembling. She had every right to be terrified. Being
the target of one of Sinan’s Assassins was the same as a death sentence. He was
fairly certain the man who had contracted for her death was her degenerate
husband. His behavior tonight had been too suspicious.
    But he was not going to let her handle this alone. Somehow he
would deal with this for her. For tonight, though, he needed to get her safely
home, and make sure she was watched closely until he discovered who was behind
this. Hopefully, by tomorrow, he would have a plan in place to protect her, and
in the meantime, he would let Hazir know where to reach him if there was
further trouble.
    The following morning Gabrielle awoke tormented by a night
full of terrible dreams of death. They left her feeling helpless

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