The Sorceress of Karres

The Sorceress of Karres by Eric Flint, Dave Freer Page A

Book: The Sorceress of Karres by Eric Flint, Dave Freer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eric Flint, Dave Freer
Tags: Science-Fiction
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same height, and nearly as wide. Unless they looked closely, no one would never know that a substitution had been made.
    She couldn't cope with actually touching the box for more than a few seconds. But with a little experimentation, she discovered that a bit of cloth—anything—between her and it, and she felt fine. She settled for taking two squares of kitchen towel and wrapping it in that and putting it in a carrier bag. It wasn't a very large box. She'd have to get something else to put it in once she got back to what she had decided would be "her" apartment.
    Perhaps it was having been taken by surprise once before that made Goth more wary. This time she actually spotted her assailants before they got to her, although they were well hidden. She didn't have time for any fancy maneuvers. She just ducked under the reaching hands and ran.
    There were three of them: the woman Marshi, a tall balding man with a few grizzled whiskers and an aquiline nose, and, although wearing a hooded top and sunglasses, the fellow from the van who Goth had had arrested. They ran after her.
    As she dived over a fence, Goth cursed her ill luck. They must have been watching Pausert's home.
    Then she realized that she had a more immediate problem. The garden she had jumped into had a squat but vicious looking dren-hound, still blinking itself awake from where it had slept in the morning sun. The beast was looking at her incredulously, as if to say "you dared jump into my garden?"
    Goth knew that the one thing she dared not do was to run—and even no-shape wouldn't help. The dog could certainly smell her, and she really hadn't completely mastered no-scent yet. Not well enough to fool a dren-hound, for sure.
    Her pursuers appeared. One of them, the woman, had a small clype gun in hand. Goth ducked behind the dren-hound's kennel. A clype needle screamed off the roof. That distracted the dren-hound. He noticed strangers leaning over his gate. The toothy animal plainly wasn't too bright. It barked and rushed at them.
    The laughter of the tall bewhiskered man and his companion stopped abruptly as the dren-hound jumped up at the gate, which was swinging open under their weight. Goth ran, jumping the fence into the next yard, ignoring the noises behind her. Someone yelled at her, but Goth just kept right on running until she got behind a small greenhouse. There she took refuge in no-shape. That still left a locked gate and an angry householder between her and getting away. But a little patience and she was able to go on her way, as the irate woman told the local policeman all about the disturbance.
    "Some people chasing a young girl. About fourteen years old, I'd guess she was. They ran off when I came out. Lucky for them my neighbor's dren-hound is a soppy old thing. Doesn't bite."
    Goth slipped away, grinning. It was a pity the dren-hound wasn't a biter. She'd take the long way back to the apartment and to make absolutely sure she wasn't being seen, go in no-shape.
    Within a hundred yards it became obvious that no-shape wasn't going to be enough. The three in the red people-carrier were very slowly cruising towards her. The hooded fellow was driving. The man with the grizzled whiskers was reading out coordinates from a wrist communicator.
    They must have a tracking spy lock on her. Just as they had followed Pausert, they could follow her, even if they could not see her. Then, belatedly, it occurred to her—they had probably been using a spy ray to watch Pausert's home. And what had she done? Walked in and shown them where to find the map! And now they knew what they were looking for, and knew how to find her, too. Being in no-shape wouldn't protect her from projectiles or blaster-fire, or even just being grabbed.
    A short way down the road was a stop for the monorail system. Goth could see a monorail car arriving, and took off for it at a sprint. She vaulted the automatic ticket gate and then hastened to find a place to change via light-shift

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