The Solar Flare

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Book: The Solar Flare by Laura E. Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura E. Collins
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conversations in his head with Robinson and his crew. Finally, he remembered something.
         The afternoon passed quickly at the hangar. Everyone hung around after the successful test flight of the Principia to discuss plans for the next trial run. Wesley seemed pleased with the ship’s performance and the accuracy of the computers, especially since he wrote most of the software and programmed it himself.  Ava stood back watching him converse with Andre, Ash, and some of the engineers. She loved seeing him so happy and excited. Rowan and Justin made polite conversation with her, maybe because they sensed that she felt left out of the day’s events. Finally, the crowd began to thin as everyone started to call it a day. Ava saw Naomi approach Wesley and whisper something in his ear. He abruptly turned and looked at her. She knew Naomi must have told him about her questions. He said something softly to Naomi and then turned and started coming towards Ava.
         “Congratulations, it seems like you have done very well ,” Ava spoke encouragingly to him.
         “Thank you. We are very pleased with how everything went today.”
         “When is the next flight?”
         “We aren’t s ure yet. Possibly in a few days,” he hesitated. “Are you hungry?”
         “Famished.” Ava gave him a smile.
         “Let’s find some dinner and then maybe you and I can talk more about Kyanos.”
         “I’d like that.”
          The others watched as Wesley circled his arm gently around Ava’s shoulders and they turned to leave.
         “Is he going to tell her about Xavier?” Mia asked.
         “Not tonight. I think he’ll explain Kaden, but I don’t think Ava’s ready to hear about Xavier yet. But, she needs to be told soon. Everything needs to come out if he expects her to trust him completely,” Naomi replied.
         Back at Wesley’s beautiful home Ava settled into a comfortable couch in the living room. Wesley followed behind with two wine glasses and a bottle of some type of red wine. He set them down on the table and sat beside Ava, beginning to work on removing the cork.
         “Wesley, if you have some powers of telekinesis, why don’t you use your mind to do small things like that?” Ava asked, wondering.
         “Telekinesis is draining. Believe it or not, I’ve spent so much time being non-human that I actually enjoy doing things with my own hands. Besides, it’s better for me to s ave my energy in case I need it,” he gave Ava a sly smile.
         Once the wine was poured he handed Ava a glass. “I understand that Rochelle mentioned to you that we sometimes have raids on Kyanos ,” he said calmly.
          “Yes , she did,” Ava took a sip.
         “I wouldn’t really describe them as raids , they are more like attacks,” Wesley said matter-of-factly as he set his glass down.
         “What do you mean?” Ava asked gently, pleased that he was finally being open with her.
         “Ava, my crew and I are not the only Asterions that know about Kyanos,” he began. She stayed silent, waiting for him to continue. “There is another Asterion named Kaden that knows of this place. He found us by chance a number of years ago when he accidentally crossed paths with us on a return flight and followed us back here without our knowledge.”
         “He has a starship?”
         “Yes, and a small crew. They have been trying to kill us ever since. We believe that they have seen what we have accomplished here and want to take Kyanos for themselves. It’s increasingly complicated to travel from station to station and constantly change your identity when you live as long as we do. You see, here we can live our lives out in the open. We don’t have to hide who we are. The people on Kyanos have no connection with the rest of the galaxy. They accept us for what we are and we all live peacefully together,

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