Afterwards my mood was almost indescribable. Immense joy, happiness and most of all, calming peace tingled throughout my body. The term ‘One with Nature’ had nothing on this, I wasn’t just one with nature, I was part of each aspect of life. I could still sense it coursing through my bones.
"Amazing,” my mother said. “That was simply amazing to watch. The first time I called upon the elements it took me hours, you did it in less than thirty minutes. I just sat here transfixed, Willa. You are more than ready to be a Caster."
"That was pretty crazy. I’m not sure how to explain it, but something inside of me just took over and knew what I needed to do. Even though, the earth and air gave me a pretty nice welcome, the water was a challenge, much more so than I expected it would be."
"It always is. Water is constantly changing. To even try to become part of it or rule over it is almost impossible. The best you can do is to not fight it or change it. Accept its power, use it and move on quickly!" Cecily laughed
“So am I ready to start a fire? Oh God, now the 'Doors' music is like running through my head...Come on baby light my fire."
My mother shook her head. “Yes I can safely say you are ready. Now stand up and be serious. What I want you to focus on, in a much smaller way, is every element. You are going to want to gather each element's energy and pool it all through you. After that, hold out your hand, and imagine a little ball of energy turning into fire."
"Energy, small balls of fire...Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire,” I sang
“Willa, please, this is no time for jokes, this is serious,” she said rolling her eyes
“Sorry, you’re right, very serious. I just want you to know though Mom, you shake my nerves, and you rattle my brain.” I laughed.
“Ok, ok,” I held my hands up in mock surrender. “But didn’t you say fire was the first learned? I just called upon the other elements first, didn’t I?”
“You’re right; you called upon the elements, but you didn’t create the elements. There’s a big difference when you are not sitting out in the openness surrounded by them,” she continued. “Fire you have to create from nothing but pure energy itself. Watch, I’ll try to show you."
Cecily stood very still and held opened her arms with her palms up to the sky. There was a subtle change in the atmosphere around us and just like that, a small, round, reddish orange fire, sparked in my mom’s hands.
“That is seriously cool,” I said. “You might be the hottest mom out there."
"Your turn wise ass,” she said, again rolling her eyes. After all these years, my mom’s eyes must be in excellent shape with a constant exercise.
I mimicked her stance and held my arms out. I tried to pull the energy from each element, which was pretty easy. The hard part was keeping it stored within me to create fire. After several frustrated attempts, I finally found a spark. An electric current pulsated inside of me all of a sudden and I could see it finally in my mind. I looked down expecting to see the same Witch Fire as my Mom but instead saw a flickering purplish fire dancing in my hands.
“Why is my fire purple? Is that normal?" I asked, immediately thinking how absurd the question was. Normal was not building fire in your hands with your mind.
“Hmmm, well, it’s funny. Your fire looks more like Fae Fire. Energy instead of flames but this could be because you are half,” she answered uncertain
“Great,” I said. “I have freaky fire."
“It’s not freaky, it’s just who you are, unique,” she replied. “That’s enough for today. Slowly release your Fire back into the elements and let’s go do fun stuff."
“More fun than creating a freaky fire? I can’t wait.”
“How about we move the boxes and do some glamour spells?” Cecily asked excitedly
“Sounds like quality Mother/
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