it’s a good way of delivering content before you ask for money. 31. Free Audio Similar to a free PDF, a free audio interview or presentation is an excel ent way to hook people in the good sense of the word. They can hear your voice and decide if they like the content you deliver. It could be as short as 10 minutes or a ful -blown hour-long interview. 32. Consultation This is more of an advanced tool for when you have trained consultants on your staff. I (Dave) offer free consultations in my real estate investing business because many prospects aren’t sure if they’re cut out to be investors. By offering them a free 30-minute consultation, they get to ask their questions of one of my staff and they’l get customized answers. Does it cost me good money to hire and train those staff members? Yes. Do some of the prospects end up concluding that real estate investing is indeed not for them? Yes. But it’s a good way to give before you get, as we discussed before. Besides, it often helps people who are stuck at the stage of my situation’s different —during the consultation they get a chance to explain their situation and we determine if it is in fact compatible with real estate investing. 33. Lunch or Dinner Seminar This is another advanced technique for when you have an established product or service. What you do is send invitations either to prospects on your list, or to new names you get through advertising, or both. They get to attend a free lunch or dinner where you describe the product or service and take questions. If the event is constructed property it can work real y wel to give people a chance to get to know you before they buy. 34. One-Day Seminar This is the same as Number 33 above, but it is often held on a Saturday. It’s usual y a good practice to charge people around $99 to attend and then you can either keep that money for al the value you’l deliver, or you can refund it when they show up. If you’ve gone to the effort to reserve a room and set up a day-long event, you don’t want people to sign up for free and then have no hesitation to cancel on you at the last minute or simply become a no-show. The $99 returnable deposit helps to prevent that situation. 35. Consultation (Paid Version) After you launch a product or service you should consider establishing an hourly rate for consultations. Some people not only are convinced that their situation is different from everyone else’s but they have no time or inclination to go through a home-study course or live event. They simply want to hire you. They can turn into great clients if you’re wil ing to do this one-on-one work. I suggest that at some price you might want to be wil ing. One fel ow I know charges $10,000 per hour for consultations. You may not start out at that number but it does have a nice round quality to it; wouldn’t you agree? I recommend that you get paid up front. If you’re starting in the business and have not built a reputation, then one way to land more of these consultations is to say, “I know we haven’t worked together before and you may wonder if you’l get your money’s worth during our cal . It’s my practice to offer a ful refund at the end of this first cal if for some reason it was different from what you expected.” You’l find that almost no one wil ask for a refund. By the way, the refund concept only applies to the first cal because we can assume if they hire you for a second cal then they are happy customers. 36. Boot Camp They’re also cal ed live events, success events, summits, and many other creative names. I could write an entire book on this topic because I’ve conducted so many of them, but suffice it to say that boot camps can be extremely effective for both your students and your revenues. I’ve already described how students get the chance to hear directly from you for multiple days and get every one of their questions answered. If