The Silver Snare

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Book: The Silver Snare by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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    that was flooding through her. Surrounded by the luxury and built-in protection of her sophisticated lifestyle, Jessica
    began to examine the tantalizing idea that had crept insidiously into her mind during the day. What would it be like to
    have an affair with Lucas Kincaid?
    An affair with Lucas Kincaid. The temptation began to flicker in her head like an internal, beckoning fire. Surely
    such an idea should have been the last thing on her mind, given past circumstances. Or had the seed been planted out
    there on the desert, waiting for safe, fertile soil to grow?
    „Jessie, Jessie,“ he groaned, prying his mouth from hers. „You’re going to drive me crazy tonight and I’ve already
    spent so many sleepless nights recently!“
    Confused by her own reactions and the wild notion of an affair, Jessica pulled slightly away from him, her hands
    fluttering with unconscious sensuality down his neck to his shoulders. „Why am I going to drive you crazy?“ she
    whispered as his palms moved across the expanse of her back, which was bared by the small, black evening dress she
    had worn that evening. There had been something delightfully unexpected and mildly shocking about wearing black in
    the warmth of a balmy summer night. But the gown was cut with the sparseness of a sundress and it had made a
    dashing statement at dinner and later on the dance floor.
    „Because you’re going to send me away tonight, aren’t you?“ he answered knowingly. There was a note of
    resignation underlying his words. His eyes roved her face, clearly expecting to find no hope.
    „Lucas,“ Jessica heard herself say with surprising honesty, „I’m confused. Everything is happening too quickly.
    This morning I never expected to find myself in this position tonight!“
    „I know. Even though I’m going to lie in my bed staring at the bulkhead until dawn, I’m not complaining.“ His hard
    mouth crooked gently. „Much,“ he amended dryly. „I’m just grateful we’ve finally made a start. Goodnight, Jessie.
    Sleep well.“
    With a last, lingering caress, Lucas released her and let himself out the door, leaving Jessica staring in bemused
    silence at the solid sheet of painted metal.
    What did she want from Lucas Kincaid? Why was she beginning to fantasize about something as dangerous as an
    affair with the man? Not very long ago she had told herself she never wanted to see him again!
    Slowly she undressed and crawled into bed, trying to analyze her emotions. What was she trying to prove? That
    here in her world she could deal with a man like Lucas? That she could subtly master him the way he had once
    mastered her?
    Restlessly she raised herself to a kneeling position on the bed, turning to gaze out at the moonlit sea beyond her
    stateroom window. That must be it. A part of her wanted to prove something, now that it seemed safe to do so. She
    wanted to know she could go to bed with the man without feeling as if she’d surrendered. She wanted to put their
    relationship on a sophisticated, modern, thoroughly manageable level, a level she could control beyond any question.
    Jessica blinked in the darkness as the full realization hit her. There were two things she wanted now from Lucas
    Kincaid. She wanted to wipe out the memory of how it had been between them that night in the desert and she wanted
    to prove to herself that in the real world she could handle Lucas Kincaid.
    Her motives clear to herself at last, Jessica had no trouble at all going straight to sleep.
    The next day was spent with Lucas in a round of pleasant shipboard activities. The undemanding nature of cruise
    life allowed plenty of time for the subtle, teasing sensuality that flickered between Lucas and Jessica. At times she
    thought her delicate feminine provocation confused him. At other times he seemed grateful for it, as if he were
    determined not to question the reason behind her willingness to dance the intricate steps which led toward a
    sophisticated, modern

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