The Silent Touch of Shadows

The Silent Touch of Shadows by Christina Courtenay Page A

Book: The Silent Touch of Shadows by Christina Courtenay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Courtenay
Tags: Fiction, General
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worse. And yet, she couldn’t deny she was enjoying every moment.
    Sir Roger’s enthusiasm for everything around them was infectious, as was his laughter, which rang out frequently. Here was obviously a man who lived life to the full, who never looked back with regrets, but only forward. Unlike the men in her family, who seemed to be forever brooding over something and always wishing for what they didn’t have.
    ‘Why so sad?’ he enquired, pulling her out of her reverie.
    ‘I’m not sad, merely thinking.’
    ‘You’re still worried about your father? Is he likely to have followed you?’
    ‘Oh, no. He’s busy this morning. It was nothing, really.’
    He had stopped to face her and was regarding her with a serious look for once. ‘I wouldn’t want to put you in a difficult position. You must tell me if you wish me to leave.’
    ‘No! I mean, don’t leave on my account. I’m enjoying your company.’ The confession escaped her before she could stop it and she felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
    ‘And I yours.’
    The look that accompanied this statement sent her heart into a frenzy, but she told herself sternly that it was just his way. He was merely indulging in a light flirtation to pass the   time.
    He means nothing by it and I’d do well to remember that.
    Roger was enjoying himself hugely, a fact which surprised him somewhat. Although he hadn’t sought out Mistress Sibell on purpose this morning, he realised now he’d unconsciously walked this way in the hope of seeing her. He was quite sure it was the last thing he ought to have done. So why had he?
    The answer seemed to be that he couldn’t help himself. He simply had to see her again.
    It was strange, for he wouldn’t normally have given her a second glance. He’d always liked small, merry, buxom armfuls, the kind of women who knew the rules of the game and gave as good as they got. Easy-going and worldly wise, never demanding any serious effort on his behalf. Sibell most definitely didn’t fit that description. If anything, she was the complete opposite.
    She was tall and reached at least up to his chin. Although the full-length cloak she wore prevented him from assessing her figure properly, he judged her to be of slim build. But he remembered from their ride that she had curves; he’d felt them as she leant against him. Her face was almost gaunt, though, and an air of sadness hung over her like an invisible veil. She also appeared to be extremely innocent, despite having been married. His flirtatious glances and comments were mostly met with either a shy smile or a look of bafflement. It was as if no one had ever teased her before.
    He couldn’t understand it.
    Something about her fascinated him, however. He’d gathered from further gossip overheard at Idenhurst that she’d been well-loved as the daughter-in-law of Sir Gilbert and was a favourite with Lady Maude. With such patronage, her father ought to have been concerned for her welfare. So why was she walking alone through the countryside? For that matter, why had she been walking at all? Even Lady Maude had questioned her lack of a mount.
    As he slanted her another brief glance, the wide grey eyes, thickly fringed with dark lashes, regarded him solemnly, almost apprehensively. There was none of the coquetry he usually met with, and Sibell seemed sublimely unaware of her own charms, such as they were. He had to acknowledge she wasn’t a beauty in the true sense of the word, but he would allow that she was passing pretty. The silvery eyes were set in a piquant face together with a small, straight nose, which was slightly tilted at the tip. The bridge of her nose was covered in freckles, which some men might have found offensive. Roger thought them charming. He knew she had dimples either side of her generous mouth and he suddenly had an irresistible urge to kiss her.
    He shook himself mentally. This is madness and I should go.
    There was something infinitely appealing about her,

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