The Shiva Objective
toward a set of intricately-carved mahogany doors that opened at her approach.  Framed in the doorway were two more goons in black suits and turbans.
    And packing heat, Nina thought.  Of the more conventional kind at least.   She stepped past them, nodding demurely as she entered the next room, a lavish office, complete with plush cushions and pillows on the floor. Gold-trimmed tapestries on the crimson walls depicted elephants and their riders charging into battle.  A man, concealed mostly in the shadows at the far side of the room, sat at a massive oak desk.  By the angle of his head, Nina could see he gazed out the opposing wall-length window overlooking Agra – and specifically, the Taj Mahal. 
    In the bright sun of midday, the marble walls and columns of the magnificent attraction seemed a shade rosier – a common optical effect Nina had read about before coming here.  The mesmerizing structure appeared to change colors along with the time of day, just one more in a slew of impressive architectural features about the Taj Mahal, one of the modern wonders of the world.
    Nina had learned more than she ever imagined about the architectural marvel in the last week as she and her teammates were able to determine that their mission most likely involved it in some way.But they hadn't found anything definitive and were unable to discover the true reason for this summons.  Turning away from the view, her eyes caught sight of two more bodyguards lurking in the shadows at the other corners of the room. 
    Finally she faced the desk – and the man in the white suit stood to greet her.  He was in his late fifties perhaps, long wavy hair, dark but sprinkled with distinguished lines of grey.  His eyes were hooded, deep-set, yet confident and powerful.
    "Ah," he said with a soothing voice.  "Nina Osseni. So glad your employer could spare you."
    She moved forward, holding out her hand, but he merely grinned.  His hands stayed in his pockets for an uncomfortable moment, and then he took one out to motion to a velvet-lined chair one of the bodyguards was sliding into place for her.  Lowering her hand, she nodded and graciously took a seat, making a show of slowly crossing her legs.
    So he's done his homework on me, she thought, confirming her fears.  Smart.
    "I am Davarius Malmud, as I'm sure you've guessed.  Or perhaps," he said, showing off several perfectly-matched gold teeth, "you already knew that.  Seen me in the news?  Or… in your dreams?"
    There wasn't a hint of amusement in the look Nina sent him.  "I know you didn't mean that as a pick-up line, so I'll let it pass.  But no, we didn't need to use any psychic abilities to learn about you, as it turns out you're pretty much a media hog." She set her purse down on the floor and crossed her arms.  "Davarius Malmud, financier and… well there's not really a word that encompasses everything you do.  Real-estate Mogul perhaps, but you dabble in casino ownership and run a fleet of luxury cruise liners.  You've got a seventy percent share in this hotel, and you've been at the top of India's elite circles for decades."
    "You're too kind."
    "And there are of course, rumors that you also engage in arms deals with… less than savory parties."
    Davarius never changed his expression.  "But we're not here to talk about me."
    "No."  Nina leaned forward, keeping her focus on him while peripherally she tracked the motions of the other four men – five now that her elevator escort had appeared, shutting the office doors behind him as he blocked the exit.  "So, tell me Mr. Malmud, what do you need the services of the Morpheus Initiative for?"
    Davarius rubbed his hands together for a moment, keeping his eyes on hers; then he got up and casually walked past her, across the room to the window, where his body – sturdy and athletic, Nina noted – blocked the view of the Taj Mahal.  The sun threw his shadow behind him and Nina had the impression that it looked like the

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