The Shifter's Conspiracy (Paranormal BBW Werewolf Romance Novella)
    “I’ll call you an ambulance, but I want to know a few things first,” said Elias.
    “OK,” he said. “What?”
    “Is your crew responsible for these abductions?”
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Mr. Cipriano.
    “Fuck you. I know the answer to this question. I just want to be able to tell the jury you were cooperative with our investigation you piece of shit,” said Elias, grabbing him by the collar and slamming him back against the limo.
    “I want immunity before I give a full testimony. Can you promise me that?” asked Mr. Cipriano.
    “Yes. But I want answers now.”
    “Yes. My crew is responsible.”
    “What’s the operation?”
    “We kidnap young women and sell them to the shifters,” he said bluntly.
    “You sell them for mates,” said Elias matter-of-factly.
    “For how much?”
    “Depends on the girl. Usually millions.”
    Elias dialed 911 and called for an ambulance, giving the crossroads closest to the accident. The call was probably unnecessary, given the sirens he could already hear in the distance. After ending the call he smashed his phone against the sidewalk so he couldn’t possibly be tracked as he disappeared into the night.
    He left Mr. Cipriano with a warning that if he said so much as a word to the police about his presence at the crime scene that his life would be in danger at every single moment. Mr. Cipriano seemed to understand.
    As police lights appeared around the corner he shifted back into his wolf body and scurried up the metal stairs of a fire escape. For now he’d be forced to travel once more over the skyline of the city, staying out of sight and out of harm’s way.
    The wheels of his mind spun as he mulled the case over, his mind feeling oddly separate from the majestic body that soared through the cold wind of the dark night, his enormous frame bounding from building to building and rooftop to rooftop. But ultimately, thoughts of his detective work were cut short as his mind focused on Tess. He had to go to her, to wrap her in his arms, and assure himself that she was OK.


    I found myself walking quickly through the hotel lobby, my eyes averted from the staff at the front desk. I must have looked obviously distressed because I heard one of the staff ask if I was OK and if I needed help.
    “No, I’m fine. Thank you,” I said as I hurried to the elevator.
    I didn’t fully know why I was here. I texted Elias. I texted him again and again. When I finally tried calling it went immediately to voicemail. Had something happened to him? If he was in danger there was nothing I could do about it. It might finally be time for me to call the police station. They could send squad cars. Someone would at least be out there looking for him.
    I debated this decision as I rode the elevator alone. There was a risk here. If they found out that Elias and I were running an operation off the books, there was a chance we could both be fired. Hell, there was a chance we could both face trial. This wasn’t just a case of misconduct; we’d taken a huge risk with both our lives and the integrity of the department.
    There was simply too much at stake for me to phone it in just yet. Besides, something inside me told me that Elias was OK, that he would come back to me if I just gave it time. At times I felt that I heard his voice in my head, reassuring me of this fact. It was this same voice that had told me to go back to the hotel, that I would be safest there; the same voice that told me to wait for him.
    When I was finally inside our room I fell back on the bed and closed my eyes. I wanted to sleep more than anything, to forget, at least momentarily, the horrors I’d just been through. But it was impossible. My body was hotly wired, my mind running over the things I’d seen over and over and over again. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest like a loud, fast drumbeat.
    I got up and went to the mini-fridge,

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