The Sheik's Rebellious Mistress

The Sheik's Rebellious Mistress by Elizabeth Lennox Page B

Book: The Sheik's Rebellious Mistress by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
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Switzerland, her mind started working in overtime. Would he still be angry? Would this be their last weekend together?
    Electra knew it was her exhaustion making her mind crazy so she tried to relax and lay her head down against the reclining chair. But the idea of another woman in Dharr"s arms hadn"t left her mind and closing her eyes only made her jealousy more intense as her head created images of him moving on.
    When the plane landed, she gritted her teeth. If he was going to move on to a more compliant and pathetic woman, then let him. She didn"t need him, she reminded herself. She"d lived twenty four years with out the man, she could easily get over him. She"d only known him for threeweeks so he wasn"t quite the addiction she"d thought he was.
    And if that was a lie?
    Electra ignored that idea. Staring out the windows of the limousine he"d had waiting for her, she could barely make out the snow covered streets but she could care less if there was a beach house with sand surrounding it or snow piled ten feet deep. She was too tired for anything and Dharr was on that list.
    But then she walked into the lovely log cabin and saw him talking on a cell phone. All thoughts of other women, of leaving him, of anything other than falling into his arms was forgotten.
    Dharr took one look at her when she walked through the door and cut off his conversation, tossing the phone onto a table and walking swiftly toward the woman who looked about ready to fall into the floor.
    “What"s wrong?” he asked as he lifted her up into his arms.
    “Nothing,” she said but the effect was lost when she sniffled into his neck.
    He pulled back and noted the dark circles under her eyes and the tense posture. “Talk to me. What has you so upset?” he demanded, pulling her close, the need to protect her leaping out at him. He frowned, not understanding or liking the need to protect. He"d always considered women gentle and would never physically hurt them. But this need wasn"t about the physical. Dharr realized that, for the first time, he was concerned about a woman"s mental and emotional protection. In the past, he"d expected the women he"d been with to be uncomplicated and served only one purpose, to warm his bed when it was convenient to him.
    This woman snuggling in his arms, crying softly, didn"t fit the mold. She wasn"t acting properly and he knew he should find a woman who was more appropriate mistress material. Butsince meeting her, he hadn"t even looked at another woman in a sexual way.
    He listened to her sniffling die down and felt her body relax. He was astonished when, twenty minutes later, he realized that she"d fallen asleep in his arms.
    A woman had fallen asleep on him? Ludicrous! Impossible?
    Dharr looked down at her sleeping expression, her beautiful, expressive eyes shuttered from his gaze. He liked her eyes, he knew. He could tell everything she was thinking since her emotions were written all over her face. He"d learned early in life to school his features so no one could read his thoughts. His body language, his expressions, his mannerisms all oriented toward not revealing any secrets the international press might latch onto. He understood that every word he spoke, every action in public, every raised eyebrow would be analyzed for hidden references. Saying “good morning” in the wrong way could change the stock markets for the day.
    Sighing heavily, he stood up and inhaled the scent of her soft perfume. She was too light, he thought as he carried her into the bedroom. He pulled off her boots and took the clip out of her hair. Looking down at her, he knew he should just pull the covers over her and leave her to sleep. He had no idea why she was so exhausted but he"d definitely get to the bottom of that issue tomorrow morning. He didn"t like her working herself so hard that she became comatose the moment she saw him.
    Unsatisfied, Dharr carefully unsnapped her jeans, then pulled them gently off her, revealing her

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