The Shadows of Night

The Shadows of Night by Ellen Fisher Page B

Book: The Shadows of Night by Ellen Fisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellen Fisher
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal
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floor, but I doubt very much it was the only one they possessed, or they would not have wasted it on us.   It is quite likely that they have numerous fangs, perhaps as many as several for each wolf.    I pray you, madam, think of how easily they could slaughter our people if there were but thirty of them armed with these fangs.   We would stand no chance of getting close enough to defend ourselves.”
    The woman’s frown deepened, as did the furrows on her face, and Hart sensed he was getting through to her.   “Why would they do such a thing?   After all, the only time they have used it thus far was to bite you for trespassing upon their land.”
    “I doubt they will use this weapon only for defense.   Already they have showed themselves to be aggressive, ambushing those who roamed neutral territory.   If they attack us with these fangs, we will all be destroyed.   As to the why of it—perhaps for land, perhaps for power.   These are the things that have motivated men since our ancestors came to this world from the stars.”
    “What exactly do you suggest we do?”
    “I wish to propose an alliance between our peoples.”
    The cats snarled, and the woman made a noise of disgust.   “An alliance with leaf eaters?   Impossible.”
    “You would prefer to die at the hands of the Fang?”
    The woman looked him straight in the eye.
    “Yes.   We would prefer to die than ally ourselves with you.”
    “I warned you that this would be their attitude.”
    Hart blew out his breath in what Katara was beginning to recognize as his characteristic sound of annoyance.   “It is what I expected as well.   Yet I hoped they would be amenable to reason.”
    “I am fortunate they did not tear me limb from limb when they realized I had been healed by your people.   But to expect them to listen to me, when I have lost my honor, is beyond the bounds of reason.   And to expect them to listen to you —”
    “Yes, I know.   A leaf eater.”   Hart spoke with audible disgust.   His shoulders slumped as they walked through the forest, away from the Pride’s territory.  
    “It is the way of things,” she said gently.   “And my people are not that different from your own.   Yours will not join with mine because we are barbarians.   Isn’t that true?”
    “Very likely,” he admitted.   “The truth is , my own father may not listen to me, either.   My people do not rip each other apart as the Claw do , but I may well find myself exiled.”
    “Have you forgotten that I was charged to keep you prisoner?”
    So much had happened in the past few days that she truly had forgotten.   She inclined her head.   “But—”
    “I relaxed my attention and permitted you to escape, and then I went with you to Pack territory rather than returning you to the keep.   I failed in my duty, not once, but twice.   My monarch may not choose to overlook my lapse.”
    “But you had good intentions.”
    “My intentions are irrelevant.   I am sworn to obey my monarch.”
    Katara nodded.   She understood that.   In some ways, the Antler Kindred were not that different from the Claw.   They had their code of honor, too.   The unwanted feeling of respect for him that had taken root deep in her heart over the last few days swelled.
    “And then there is the fact that we have been intimate,” she said softly.   “Both our peoples would despise us, if they knew.   The very idea is considered revolting among my people.”
    “As it is among mine.   And yet I do not regret it.   Not in the least.”
    “Nor do I .”   She was surprised to realize that it was the truth, that she would not have traded these last days with Hart for all the honor in the world.   “What should we do next?”
    “We approach my people.”
    “But you just finished saying that they will most likely not listen to you.”
    “That is also irrelevant.   It is my duty to warn them.   If it leads to my exile, so be

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