The Shadow of the Lynx
out land on the horizon which was part of the property managed by Jacob Jagger.
    “It is indeed a vast Empire,” I said.
    “Your father is the monarch of all he surveys, and you are the crown prince. How does it feel to be heir to all this and your father’s son?”
    “It feels good,” he said, and I understood that.
    We rode in silence for a while and then he said: “I think you have made a good impression on him.”
    I was pleased but shrugged my shoulders to feign indifference.
    7 think he expected me to bow three times and walk out backwards. “
    “He doesn’t like subservience all the time ” Only some of the time?
    “Only from those he considers should show it.”
    “He’s a bit of a tyrant, a bit of a brigand—but I can understand your feelings for him a little more, now that I’ve seen him.”
    “I knew you would. I knew you’d feel the same. I want you to, Nora.”
    “It will depend on the way he treats me.”
    That made him laugh. As we cantered over the ground and I felt the wind on my face I experienced again that feeling of happiness. He felt k too, I think, for he said: “Nora, I’m going to make you love this country. Ill take you into the bush;
    we’ll camp out. It’s the only way if you want to see the country beyond where a coach can take you. I’ll show you how to boil a billy can for tea and how to make dampers and Johnny cakes on a camp fire.
    “It sounds good. I should like it, I’m sure.”
    tie was gi owing wnn pleasure.
    “What did your father say about Jemmy?”
    “He said if he’s prepared to work he can stay. If not. he’ll be sent packing.”
    “Did you tell him I persuaded you?”
    No. I let him think it was my idea. “
    “Why? Because you thought it was rather weak of you to be persuaded by me?”
    “I didn’t know how he was going to feel about your making such a decision.”
    “I suppose, had he known it was my idea, he might have said he wouldn’t take in the boy.”
    “He wouldn’t have turned him away.”
    “Well then, you wanted him to like me and you didn’t want him to start off thinking I was domineering.”
    “Perhaps. But I shall tell him later. It was just at first.”
    “Stirling, you’re nice to me.”
    “Of course I am. My father’s your guardian and I’m his deputy.”
    We rode in silence for a mite or so. The eucalypts were thick about us; a startled kangaroo, baby in pouch, leaped across our path and then sat on her haunches, looking at us with curiosity. For the first time I saw the beautiful lyre bird, his fantastic tail spread out in all its glory. We pulled up, for he was perched on a tree fern not far off. As we halted he began to imitate the cries of other birds as though giving a performance for our benefit. While we remained stationary I noticed how blackened were the trunks of some of the eucalypts, and I pointed this out to Stirling, who told me they had been so rendered by fire. Then’he began to tell me about the terrible forest conflagrations which ravaged the country. I could have no conception of these until I saw one and he hoped I never would, though it seemed hardly likely that I would not if I stayed in Australia.
    “Every living thing for miles around is in acute danger,” he told me.
    “It is the most fearful tragic thing imaginable. There are dangers in this land, Nora, that you wouldn’t dream of.”
    “I have thought of the dangers. Remember, my father died here.”
    “Robbery with violence can happen anywhere.”
    “Where there is greed,” I added.
    “And here there is gold, and gold means greed.”
    He called my attention to an emu which was running at
    great speed along the path. I had never seen such a large bird;
    it was about five feet high.
    “You’re getting to know the land and its inhabitants,” said Stirling.
    “First the family, then the wild life. Look at those trees. I reckon they’re all of three hundred feet high.”
    They’re magnificent. More

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