The Seventh Immortal (Hearts of Amaranth #1)
again, like an
anchor holding her in place. His bright green eyes contrasted so
beautifully with his olive skin and dark, messy hair. As she felt
her control of her body returning to her, she found herself smiling
at him. But he seemed hesitant to smile back. “Now, can you move?
We need to get you out of here. But we probably won’t make it far
if I have to carry you.”
    That was a shame, she thought. She would have
let this man carry her anywhere. But she sensed the urgency in his
tone, and as she became increasingly aware of her situation, she
felt her own fear return to her.
    “Where am I?” she asked, pushing herself up.
“Who am I?”
    Silence. The young man stared at her, his
face fallen. “Y-you have amnesia?” he finally asked. “Are you
    “Not joking.”
    “I... I had so many questions...” His voice
trailed off. “But that's not important right now. We don't have
much time.”
    The woman turned and threw her legs off the
bed. She looked down at herself, realizing that she was wearing
nothing but a flimsy hospital gown. This wasn't the time for
modesty, but she still felt a warmth run to her cheeks as the man
looked at her.
    He quickly realized that he was staring. “I'm
sorry,” he said, turning away. “I thought--”
    “It doesn't matter,” she replied. She
wriggled her toes, confirming that her legs still worked, and slid
off the bed. Standing wasn't easy with the drugs still in her
system, but she could pull it off. “I guess you have to answer my
questions instead. What do you know? Who am I?”
    “You had your driver's license on you when
you fell,” the man replied. “That's all we know. Your name is Kait.
Kait Selias.”
    “Doesn't ring a bell,” Kait said. “Though I
guess that's not a surprise. And who are you?”
    The young man turned around to face her
again. Kait reached behind her to close her gown, almost
reflexively. “Paul Gordon,” he told her. “I'm a resident here...
You really don't remember anything?”
    Kait shook her head. “You said that I
    Paul nodded. “Right off the top of the
courthouse. Thirteen floors. Went headfirst into the pavement. When
you came in... Your whole head... I don't know how this is
possible. You shouldn't be alive, let alone standing and
    Out of everything Paul had said, this was the
one thing that made the most sense. Kait knew he was right. She
should have been dead. Carefully, she reached up to her face. She
ran her fingers along her cheek. Her skin was smooth. She ran her
hand over her hair. It was a bit tangled, but everything felt in
the right place.
    “How long have I been here?” Kait asked.
    “Just since this morning,” Paul replied. “You
made a full recovery in a matter of hours. That's why I was so
curious. I've never seen anything--”
    “I don't have any answers,” Kait interrupted.
“I'm sorry. Is that why they were drugging me?”
    Paul shrugged. “I don't know, but when I
found out what they were doing... I could lose my job for this. But
I brought you some clothes. I hope they fit.” He pointed to a pair
of slacks and a blouse on the chair across from the bed.
    “Thanks.” Kait walked over to the clothes,
still holding her gown tightly behind her. She scooped the garments
up with one hand and walked towards the bathroom. “But why would
you lose your job? You're a doctor. Shouldn't you be commended for
helping me?”
    “I don't know,” Paul replied. “Maybe they
wanted to send you to the government for testing or something.
After you recovered from your injuries so quickly... All I know is
that Mayor Levin was involved.”
    Kait stepped into the bathroom and closed the
door behind her. She pulled on the pants—gray slacks that were a
bit too baggy but would do in a pinch. “Let me guess,” she shouted
through the door. “Thin man, pale, well dressed, hazel eyes...”
    “I don't know what color his eyes are,” Paul
replied, chuckling. “But it sounds like you've got the

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