The Senator: A Blake Jordan Thriller

The Senator: A Blake Jordan Thriller by Ken Fite Page B

Book: The Senator: A Blake Jordan Thriller by Ken Fite Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ken Fite
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to Jami who started looking at the phone’s contents.
    “Did you find anything?” I asked.
    “I scraped the contents and copied them over to our shared drive. I have a process running right now to parse any communications he may have made using the device and it looks like he had his email on the phone so I’ll be able to pull that information out, too.” I no longer felt tired after hearing the news. Jami looked wide awake now, too.
    “Look at the call log,” Morgan said to Jami who pulled it up.
    “He made and received a few calls to the same number tonight,” Jami said and looked at Morgan for any details he may have.
    “I didn’t have time to run a reverse lookup, as soon as I got the phone unlocked and the contents scraped, I came right over. But yes, he’s definitely had contact with someone.” I turned to Morgan.
    “Let’s do the lookup now.”
    “May I?” Morgan asked Jami, implying that he wanted to use her laptop that she had set up. She nodded. He sat down and pulled up one of our internal systems. A moment later and Morgan got a hit. “It’s registered to the Tribune. That’s all I’ve got.” That made sense to me. When numbers are registered to companies, you don’t get a whole lot of information.
    “Let’s call and see who answers,” I said.
    Jami and I were still standing while Morgan was doing his lookup. I took the phone from Jami and reached to the middle of the large table where we were working and pressed the speaker button on the Polycom phone system and we heard a dial tone. I accessed the call log and dialed the number.
    As it rang, Jami, Morgan, and I all looked at each other, not knowing what we could expect. There was a second ring, then a third, then the ringing stopped. For a moment, we thought someone had answered. “You’ve reached John Burnett. Sorry I missed your call, please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can,” we heard instead and I disconnected the line.
    “Who’s John Burnett?” I asked.
    “I’ll find out,” Morgan said and stood to walk back to his workstation to get started.
    “No, focus on the laptop and then get back to us on what you find. Jami can look into Burnett, right?”
    “I got it,” she said. After Morgan left the room, Jami started clacking away at her keyboard and I turned on the TV mounted on the wall in front of us and put it on one of the cable news channels before brewing more coffee for Jami and me. It was five minutes until seven and a banner streamed across the screen. RNC PRESS CONFERENCE AT 7…PRESIDENT SPEAKS AT 8…
    Jami was still digging and trying to find everything she could on John Burnett when the press conference started. RNC Chairwoman Debra Stewart was standing at the podium surrounded by Jim Keller supporters who worked for his campaign. She spoke to the camera and a dozen reporters who were seated in the room that was supposed to have been used to receive Keller after his speech to celebrate with his staff. She explained what had happened, that the senator had been kidnapped and went over the timeline. Stewart was brief and to the point. She had to be – she didn’t have more to share.
    “I’ll open it up to questions now,” Stewart said, fielding questions about Jim Keller’s political beliefs and whether or not they had anything to do with the kidnapping. Questions were asked about law enforcement and what was being done to find Keller. Debra Stewart said she’d take one more question and pointed to a reporter off camera who spoke.
    “I understand that a local mosque might be involved. The Islamic Civic Center. Is that true and is there any connection to the Jihadi Coalition?” Stewart was caught off guard by the question.
    “No, I don’t think so. I haven’t heard about the mosque, but we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.”
    “Okay Blake, I got Burnett’s home address. It’s not too far from here,” Jami said. I turned off the TV and stood.
    “Let’s head

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