The Seduction of an Earl
feelings toward her husband. It does not excuse her action, but she has a hard time keeping her kisses to the privacy of their home,” she managed to get out before they were standing before the happy couple.
    “Hannah!” Elizabeth brightened, her arms coming out so her hands could grasp her friend’s shoulders. Hannah did likewise as the two women hugged. “You look exquisite, as usual, and ...” Her attention turned to Gisborn. “I see you have arrived on the arm of a Greek god this evening. Do tell me which deity he is. I’m terrible at mythology.” This last was delivered with so much mischief and directed to the earl himself. Hannah had to fight down the urge to gasp in astonishment.
    Henry did his very best to keep his face as impassive as possible, but he found himself allowing a small smile. The woman was most outrageous! And he recognized her as the woman who had come out of Devonville House that very morning before he called on the marquess. He immediately realized that his earlier assumption of her being overweight was incorrect – she was quite round with child. And she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.
    Her husband had turned to join them at that moment, his eyes rolling and his head shaking at his wife’s comment. “Please allow me to beg your pardon for milady’s mistaken assumption,” Lord Bostwick intoned, a hint of smile giving away his humor. “Elizabeth, he is most assuredly a Roman god,” he corrected her. “I’m thinking ... Apollo?” he guessed, a dark eyebrow cocking. The man’s stern features didn’t allow him to be particularly handsome, but with his devilish grin making his eyes light up, he suddenly appeared friendly and very approachable.
    Quite certain his face was taking on a reddish cast but deciding their comments were all in good fun, Henry bowed. “Neither, I’m afraid. Henry Forster, Earl of Gisborn, at your service,” he answered, not waiting for Hannah’s introduction.
    “Elizabeth and George Bennett-Jones,” George replied in kind, bowing as Elizabeth curtsied. She held out her hand and the earl kissed the back of her knuckles.
    “Viscount Bostwick,” Hannah added, since George never seemed to mention his title when introducing himself.
    The viscount reached over to lift Hannah’s gloved hand to his lips. “And you are looking like you stepped out of the pages of ... ‘Sleeping Beauty’, perhaps?” he guessed, giving Hannah a mischievous grin.
    Hannah’s inhalation of breath was soft enough that only Henry was aware of it. He wondered what it was about the reference to Sleeping Beauty that would make her react so. Had he been given time to consider what fairy tale princess she looked like this evening, he would have to agree Sleeping Beauty was a good guess. A thought of kissing her awake crossed his mind, but he had to erase it as quickly as it appeared – his satin breeches did not allow room for the erection that was forming.
    “George!” Hannah admonished him, not wanting to admit it was her thought while in front of the vanity mirror. Turning to Henry, she said, “George is a fencer.”
    A look of recognition passed over Henry’s face. “Bennett-Jones, of course,” he spoke. “You are Angelo’s champion, are you not?”
    George dipped his head. “Guilty as charged, my lord,” he responded. “But I’ll probably lose the title during the next few months. I’m about to whisk my wife away to Sussex for her confinement. And I have estate business to attend to,” he explained quickly, his gaze on Henry one of calculation. “May I assume you are the Forster who is a friend of Lady Charlotte’s?” he asked then.
    Stunned that a man he hadn’t met would know of his connection to the Binghams, Henry nodded. “Indeed, I know Lady Charlotte – her entire family, of course – since one of their estates is adjacent to the Gisborn lands in Oxfordshire,” he explained quickly, hoping there was no hint of scandal associated

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